Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
Tempura is a typical dish from the Japanese cuisine. Traditional tempura is made from fried fish and vegetables in batter. See how Japanese tempura is made and what are the best vegetables for your tempura.
The easiest way to divide olives is into black and green. Differences between black and green olives. Black Kalamata olives and green Halkidiki olives. Olives were cultivated by man more than 7, 000 years ago.
To enjoy the taste of freshly prepared mussels, you should know that only mussels that are tightly closed and without any defects are suitable for cooking.
Coquilles Saint-Jacques, also known as the great scallop, are a delicacy that combines a refined taste and a silky texture. Quick and careful cooking of Coquilles Saint-Jacques.
Combined with this cheese, the pizza acquires a magical flavor. The best cheeses for pizza are the following and it is better to use them whenever you want to achieve a classic pizza flavor.
Raisins are often used in cooking - for cakes, pies, meat dishes or salads. Learn to choose raisins correctly and you will be able to prepare delicious and healthy foods.
There are about 10 thousand wine grape varieties in the world and from them only 13 are the main ones. To make a good white or red wine, the first step is choosing the right grapes for it.