The parasol mushroom is a wild mushroom, which is quite common and well-known. People prefer it because it is edible and tasty. It is most suitable for consumption when the mushroom is young and its cap has not completely opened up.
Later on it is also edible, but it still loses some of its taste qualities. The flesh of the old mushroom becomes tasteless and hard.
It is not difficult for an experienced mushroom picker to recognize a fresh young parasol mushroom. It has an egg-shaped shape. When it gets old, it becomes a mushroom with a large cap, sometimes 40 centimeters in diameter. Since parasol mushroom is found in a lot of places, it is a popular and consumed by many mushrooms.
For lovers of mushrooms and especially the parasol mushroom, information about it is welcome, so that they can easily determine which mushroom is best for consumption. The young mushroom is egg shaped, and its cap does not open until the stem is fully extended. Then the volume of the mushroom increases and the cap opens slowly. The cover under the gills tears and a ring remains on the stem. The parasol mushroom with a fully developed cap can be recognized by the flat shape of the cap, speckled with brown scales, which are on a cream or light brown background.

The flesh of the mushroom is slightly tough and does not fall apart, but is soft when eaten. It is white in color, but if injured, it may have a pink tint. The aroma is like hazelnut and it is stronger in old mushrooms, they are also distinguished by it. The taste is walnut-like and very pleasant.
When harvesting parasol mushrooms in forest glades and pastures, the stump should not be cut, it is not edible. It is too tough to eat, but those who like tougher mushrooms can also prepare stumps along with the caps.
Parasol mushrooms should be prepared and consumed immediately after picking them. The caps are what is prepared for consumption. They are usually cut into pieces and cooked. The parasol mushrooms can be breaded or placed as a filling in mushroom filo pastry pie.
Parasol mushroom is very tasty if fried and prepared according to our favorite mushrooms with butter recipe. They can be cooked with rice and vegetables, as well as with meat. An interesting idea is to make mushroom patties from them. Cut them into small pieces, add spices as you would for meatballs and fry them. The caps can be fried separately with butter.

You can use fresh parasol mushroom for your mushroom soup or for these delicious mushroom casseroles.
Find out if parasol mushrooms have a double and learn how to bread mushrooms.