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Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
Is Excessive Consumption of Olives Healthy?Is Excessive Consumption of Olives Healthy?
03 Jan.
Everyone knows that one of the most beneficial natural foods is the fruit of the olive tree - olives. In addition to being delicious, olives carry many beneficial nutrients for the body.
How Much Protein Do Different Types of Meat Contain?How Much Protein Do Different Types of Meat Contain?
02 Jan.
Meat is rich in protein. How much protein is in meat? How much protein do different types of meat contain?
Give the Gift of Flavor: Top Reasons to Gift a Cooking Class ExperienceGive the Gift of Flavor: Top Reasons to Gift a Cooking Class Experience
31 Dec.
Finding the perfect gift isn’t always straightforward. Introducing the cooking class gift: a gift of taste, fun, and feeling.
What is Whey Protein and When is it Used?What is Whey Protein and When is it Used?
31 Dec.
Whey protein is a type of nutritional supplement that helps build and maintain muscle mass. It is derived from milk and is completely harmless.
Figs – Nutritional Value and Beneficial PropertiesFigs – Nutritional Value and Beneficial Properties
31 Dec.
Figs are very juicy and sweet fruits. Their juiciness is due to their high water content, which is between 60 and 80 percent when the fruit is fresh.
Cheeses with Lowest CholesterolCheeses with Lowest Cholesterol
30 Dec.
How cheese affects cholesterol levels. Low-cholesterol cheeses. Low-fat cheeses not only do not contain saturated fat, but these cheeses have lower cholesterol levels
Figs - Food and MedicineFigs - Food and Medicine
30 Dec.
The great healer Avicenna used figs to treat malaria, colds, and ulcers, as well as leprosy and syphilis. Figs treat discoloration from vitiligo, respiratory diseases and blackheads.
Figs Cure Diabetes and Heart DiseaseFigs Cure Diabetes and Heart Disease
28 Dec.
The juicy figs are also rich in fiber and beta-carotene. In short – figs are a real health bomb for the body. Figs against a heart disease. Figs for diabetes
Grape Seed Flour - What is it Used forGrape Seed Flour - What is it Used for
28 Dec.
Grape seed flour, which is obtained by grinding the seeds, is a gluten-free flour. You will be surprised, but grape seed flour is perfect for pancakes, creams and glazes.
Raisins and Their Beneficial PropertiesRaisins and Their Beneficial Properties
23 Dec.
Nowadays, all dried grapes are called raisins, but this is not entirely correct. Only dried seedless grapes should be called raisins. Here are the most important benefits of eating raisins
Using Parsley as a HerbUsing Parsley as a Herb
23 Dec.
Why and how is parsley used as a herb? Parsley is widely used for medicinal purposes because of its rich composition. Parsley tea removes excess fluids from the body.
Traditional Medicine and Decoctions with RaisinsTraditional Medicine and Decoctions with Raisins
23 Dec.
Raisin decoction is a magical drink that stimulates the biochemical processes occurring in the liver. Folk medicine and decoctions with raisins:
The Undeniable Benefits of GrapesThe Undeniable Benefits of Grapes
20 Dec.
A standard serving size is 1 cup of grapes, which contains the optimal amount of calories, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Check out why you should eat grapes regularly and what the benefits of grapes are