Potatoes are used in the preparation of a variety of dishes. Have you tried using their juice? Potato juice has exceptional benefits, especially for the skin.
Potato juice contains vitamins A, B, C, phosphorus, iron, potassium, fiber and protein. If it is mixed with other juices, such as fruit, lemon juice or honey, the benefits are doubled.
Preparing potato juice
Usually, red potatoes are used to prepare potato juice. They should not be damaged in any way. The potatoes are washed well and soaked in vinegar water. Then they are washed again and the juice is squeezed out. Raw potato juice is acidic, so it can be mixed with carrot juice and taken that way.
Benefits of potato juice
Potato juice helps the skin:

- removes spots;
- can be used as a compress for sunburns, gives a feeling of coolness and calmness;
- daily application of the juice to the skin leads to softness and smoothness, avoiding the area around the eyes;
- reduces wrinkles;
- applying a tampon soaked in potato juice helps with puffy eyes due to insomnia, fatigue, stress;
- also removes dark circles under the eyes;
- whitens the skin;
- cleanses of toxins;
- drinking 1 glass of potato juice prevents drying of the skin; - can be used as a tonic for cleansing the skin;
- is useful for eczema, acne;
- gives a youthful appearance.
Potato juice is taken for liver detox. In Japan, it is used to treat hepatitis. It is especially useful for joint pain, rheumatism, back pain, bone pain. It is a great advantage if it is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.
The juice made from new and raw potatoes is extremely useful for preventing cancer. It is also a useful drink for the kidneys and pancreas. It prevents the formation of stones in the urinary tract. It can be used for diabetes and hypertension. It helps to develop a healthy and strong body. It has cholesterol-lowering effects.
It relaxes the stomach, works well for digestion and ulcers. Excessive consumption of fatty foods leads to disorders in bowel function. This juice is used to treat the intestines. If taken as a mixture with fruit juices and honey at least 1 hour in the morning before breakfast and 2-3 hours before bedtime, it helps with weight loss.
Potato Juice Mask

For faster hair growth and strength, potato juice masks can be applied. Depending on the length of the hair, the juice of the amount of potatoes needed for the mask is squeezed. One egg white and a little honey are added to the juice. Massage it into the hair and leave it for 2 hours. Then wash it off with a small amount of shampoo.
Contraindications for using potato juice
People suffering from stomach diseases should not drink potato juice. This can cause diarrhea in some. The juice should not be prepared from sprouted potatoes. It can be combined with carrot juice, nettle, sage and consumed this way.
Find out how to make potato juice at home.