»Articles»Useful Advice»What are Baked Apples Good for?

What are Baked Apples Good for?

Diana IvanovaDiana Ivanova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Baked red apples

Everyone knows about the high nutritional value and many benefits of fresh apples, but few people think that when they are baked, they are no less healthy.

This method of culinary processing allows you to store many vitamins and minerals in the fruit, as well as to reduce their calorie content and neutralize other negative factors. Almost everyone can eat baked fruit as food, although, of course, there are some limitations.

Information about the benefits of baked apples is no secret, but many ignore such knowledge, depriving themselves of a safe source of valuable substances. Therefore, nutritionists advise everyone who cares about their own health to pay close attention to this dish.

What is a baked apple suitable for?

One of the advantages of baked apples is the pleasant taste and ease of preparation. They can successfully replace sweet temptations with high calories. To prepare them, simply wash the whole fruit, remove the core from them, place them in a tray and keep in the oven for 10 minutes.

You can cook apples in the microwave, although it will be a little longer and will take 20 minutes. In addition, some experts believe that the microwave oven destroys the nutrients contained in apples and other fruit, so it is better to use it only to heat up food.

The benefits of baked apples are undeniable. Vitamins and microelements are present in them in huge quantities: vitamin C, A, K, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc., as well as pectins, dietary fiber, antioxidants and others. All of these substances from baked apples will be absorbed much better than from fresh apples, especially if a person has problems with the stomach or intestines.

The list of the useful properties of baked apples is quite big. They clean the blood vessels very well of bad cholesterol and help maintain the level of this substance in the blood at an acceptable level. Baked fruit optimize bowel function and relieve constipation, as well as neutralize diarrhea.

Making stuffed apples

They are almost safe for the gastric mucosa, as they irritate it much less than fresh fruit with their large amount of organic acids in the composition. However, you should not eat baked apples on an empty stomach and in large quantities, if you have gastrointestinal diseases.

They also have a diuretic effect, remove toxins from the body and improve the general condition. Doctors prescribe a diet with baked apples to those who live in heavily polluted areas, such as near large factories and plants.

These fruit bind well to free radicals, heavy metals, remove them from the body and prevent the development of cancer. They also suppress hunger well and therefore help you lose weight.

In addition to the benefits, baked apples have some contraindications. They can provoke allergies or irritate the intestines when consumed in excessive amounts on an empty stomach. In addition, people with gastritis, peptic ulcer or high stomach acidity should also eat these fruit carefully, in whatever form.

For those who look after their figure, they must remember that any ingredients added during the preparation of baked apples, such as honey, sugar, nuts and more, add calories to the dish and can provoke the appearance of extra pounds.

Baked apples diet

The generally accepted good qualitites of baked apples makes them an ideal dietary product. You can improve your general condition with them even for a day, during which you can eat only this dish and drink unsweetened tea and water.

One serving should not exceed 300 grams and you can eat five times a day. Dietary fruit should be prepared without sugar, honey and nuts, you can only add cinnamon or ginger.
