It is difficult to find a person who does not like to eat carrots, either in carrot salad or simply to nibble on them. In addition, nowadays on the Internet you will find many recipes for preparing delicious and juicy dishes with carrots, which you will fall in love with, but you will also be able to amaze your guests. They are also a wonderful way to decorate the festive table, for example, you can make flowers from them.
In addition to the taste qualities of carrots, they are also very beneficial to our health. For example, one of their greatest benefits is for eyesight, but at the same time they help regulate the digestive system. It is good to eat them in a salad with a little oil or olive oil, since in combination with fat, the valuable ingredients in carrots are absorbed best.
It is precisely the correct consumption of carrots that is essential, to get the maximum benefit from them for our health.
How to eat carrots properly
We all know that these vegetables are very rich in carotenoids and specifically beta-carotene. It is for this reason that carrots are in the group of foods that are one of the best anti-cancer products. No less important is that they are not only an antioxidant, but also an excellent stimulator of the immune system. Beta-carotene also has very good anti-anemic properties, as it has the ability to increase the number of erythrocytes in the blood.
A large number of people have the opinion that all vegetables should be eaten raw, since this way they are more healthy and retain all their beneficial substances. This is true, but only to some extent, because in carrots, for example, only vitamin C will be preserved, because it is very easily destroyed by heat. However, this does not apply to beta-carotene, which is not sensitive to heat. Thus, by consuming cooked carrots, you get this substance, since it is not destroyed during cooking.
Also, as a result of the heat treatment of the carrots, carotenoids are better absorbed - their cell walls soften, thus they are absorbed much better by our digestive system.
And here it is important to add that this applies even to minimal heat treatment, since this is enough for beneficial beta-carotenes to break down into a form that is much easier to digest.
As with all aspects of life, it is important to observe the golden mean, which is that you should not overcook carrots, as they should preserve their crunchiness.

Another useful tip for carrot consumption that you may not know is that beta-carotenes are absorbed much better with fat. That's why it's good to flavor your carrots with olive oil, vegetable oil or butter, as this makes it much easier for the body to absorb these beneficial substances.
A common mistake is leaving orange vegetables at room temperature for more than 5-6 hours after you've cooked them, since this way they oxidize.
And last but not least, to help your body absorb as many beneficial substances from carrots as possible, you can sprinkle them with sesame seeds, olive oil, garlic, apple cider vinegar and salt after cooking.
Check out what carrot juice is good for, try our recipes for carrot cream soup and this incredible carrot cake.