The banana is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Its homeland is considered to be the Malay Archipelago, where the population used it as food supplementing the fish diet. The name banana comes from the Arabic word banan, which means finger. In the past it was called fig of paradise because of its taste.
In addition to having an excellent taste, bananas are also extremely rich in useful substances. They supply the body with potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese, folic acid and are a good source of fiber. They also contain, albeit in smaller amounts, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, vitamin E and selenium.
And since April 21st is Banana Day in the US, it's only fitting that we celebrate some more benefits of bananas. They improve the functions of the digestive tract, as they stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria. They are rich in carbohydrates, which give a feeling of satiety and supply energy to the body.
Eating bananas can improve eyesight, prevent constipation and reduce the risk of stroke. They have beneficial effects on conditions such as type 2 diabetes, morning sickness, malignant kidney disease and osteoporosis.
Also, this fruit can prevent depression, because it contains tryptophan, which the body converts into serotonin, which, in turn, is responsible for good mood.
However, it turns out that people do not know how to properly consume a banana. According to studies, about 90% of those who eat bananas throw away its most beneficial ingredient. The threads that are located between the peel and the fruit itself are called pholems.

Through the strings of the banana, useful substances move to the core of the fruit. They are odorless and tasteless and this causes many people to remove them when they are eaten, but this way most of the vitamins, minerals and fiber are lost.
Nutritionists advise that these strings should be consumed along with the banana fruit for the best health effect on the body.
An interesting fact is that nets, ropes and textile fibers are made from the threads of some types of bananas, such as abaca.
There are about 70 types of bananas and about 1, 500 varieties, but only the dessert type are edible. Banana peel also has an awful lot of benefits.
The fruit is also grown for fodder and as an ornamental plant. In some countries, banana wine and beer are produced.
And in our country of honor are banana pancakes, which you can prepare for a delicious breakfast for the whole family. We know banana cakes are your favorites too.