»Articles»Useful Advice»A Vitamin Bomb to Strengthen the Immune System

A Vitamin Bomb to Strengthen the Immune System

Maria SimovaMaria Simova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
A Vitamin Bomb to Strengthen the Immune System!

This healthy recipe is especially suitable during the cold season. During the cold weather, immunity support topics became very relevant.

The flu, colds, and other illnesses don't go away, so it's important to keep your body's defenses up. Vitamins, vitamin complexes, all kinds of herbal teas are used.

And how about a vitamin bomb that you can make yourself and that will help keep your body in good shape?

For 12-16 servings of this wonderful vitamin bomb we need the following ingredients:

3-4 lemons;

200 g of dried apricots;

150 g of blueberries;

150 g of honey;

200 ml of orange juice

5 cloves

Wash and dry the lemons. Then cut them into quarters lengthwise and remove the pits. Put all the products in a blender (without the cloves), grind to a coarse pulp.

Grind the cloves in a mortar and add them to the resulting mixture and mix.

This vitamin paste is stored in a glass jar by placing it in the refrigerator.

Why the vitamin bomb is effective

Strengthening the immune system!

1. Lemon juice removes toxins from the body and is very beneficial for our health.

2. Dried apricots are a favorite dried fruit with a delicate sweet taste that has many beneficial properties. They contain a whole "bouquet" of vitamins: carotene (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), as well as B vitamins. The mineral composition is also diverse: dried apricots contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt;

3. Blueberries are an amazing combination of delicious and healthy that doesn't happen that often in our lives. In any state, be it fresh or dried fruits, they contain a huge amount of vitamins and many other trace elements that are so necessary for a person in the modern rhythm of life. Since ancient times, blueberries have been called "rejuvenating." The beneficial properties of blueberries are recognized by both scientists and traditional medicine. The main thing is to gather them in ecologically clean areas;

4. Orange juice is very useful for flu and sore throat. It is a natural antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Natural orange juice will also be useful during the recovery period - it strengthens the immune system, has a tonic effect;

5. Since ancient times honey has been used as a medicinal delicious food. Eating honey, we heal ourselves at the same time. Honey contains many useful vitamins - A, B, C, K, and F, as well as minerals. Honey is the only food that is completely absorbed by the body. This makes it very useful for the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, it is good for the eyes, against arthritis, against premature aging, for healthy and young skin, against coughs, colds and seasonal allergies, it improves blood composition. And vitamins contribute to the general strengthening of the body.

Stay healthy! And this immunity booster and our favorite healthy immunity breakfast will also help you with that.
