In large store chains, you may find packages of meat products different from those generally accepted for daily consumption for our geographic latitudes. We stop and look at types and options simply out of curiosity, without having the courage to try, because we haven't prepared it and don't know how.
Overcome your fear, make a choice and get yourself a pack or two. Prepare them for a special day and mentally set yourself up to do it right.
Your choice has already landed on ostrich meat. Let's focus on some specifics surrounding the preparation of ostrich meat dishes.
You should make sure that you will be buying ostrich leg meat, because this part is mostly used. The quality of the meat is determined by which part of the leg it comes from: the thigh, the inner leg or the outer leg. The thigh meat is the most prized. It's good to keep that in mind when reading the label on the packaging.
You may decide to buy fresh meat from an ostrich farm. Why not - there are already many around the country because ostrich birds are easy to raise and almost all of them are for sale, even for a souvenir or a fun gift. In this case again, the information about the meat will come in handy when you hear the farmers' suggestions - you need to show that you have some knowledge.
Why choose ostrich thigh meat?

Because it is most preferred for steaks. They, on the other hand, are best cooked on the grill or grill pan, because cooked in this way, ostrich steaks develop their flavor qualities wonderfully.
And the grill - it is well known to all of us. Here is the starting point for your first attempts at the unknown. Doing a familiar activity will undoubtedly give you confidence in cooking.
You have planned the day; you have picked the type of meat; you have also chosen the method of its preparation. All that remains for you is to remember a few subtleties when preparing the ostrich meat - activities in the process of the actual cooking. Finally, we will also discuss the appropriate side dishes.
Grilled ostrich steak
– Steaks are marinated very briefly, from 20-30 minutes to an hour, because they quickly absorb all the flavors they are seasoned with, which, in turn, should stop you from using a lot of spices. Stop at one, at most two, in combination with red wine and give the meat a chance to reveal its uniqueness to you. Note that the wine itself is also a condiment. Nutmeg, coriander, rosemary, sage, ginger, soy sauce, black pepper, garlic, thyme, drops of balsamic vinegar /and it is rich in aromas/ are recommended for ostrich meat. Add olive oil. After half an hour, soak them up with kitchen paper;
– The grill must be hot. You need to be next to it, put a kitchen timer next to you, if you want a stopwatch and arrange half the steaks. One, so that the temperature of the dish does not drop and secondly, so that you can serve the amount of grilled ostrich meat faster. My preference is for a ribbed grill pan rather than an open rib appliance, because the juices run off the meat and are wasted;
– Ostrich steaks are cooked for 1 minute. They are flipped. It is timed again for 1 minute. At the end of the minute, the heat of the grill is reduced to moderate, the steaks are flipped again and 3 minutes are timed for that side. For the other - another 3 minutes. If you don't have enough, you can finish grilling them afterwards instead of eating them dried;
– Use kitchen tongs, don't poke them, because their juice will run out. Press them lightly. They should sizzle. We are not here to discuss the three or five degrees of doneness of meat. Just keep track of the time.
– The finished steaks are lightly salted /just now/ and wrapped in household aluminum foil for 10 minutes to rest and distribute the juices of the meat throughout all its muscle fibers. Cut just one steak first and try it. Know that this meat is very strong and a steak of it the size of half a chicken or neck steak is quite enough to fill you up.
Side dish for ostrich meat

It's time to think about the ostrich meat side dish that goes with the ostrich meat. To our delight, the popular vegetables in our country are very good company for the steaks. Starting with zucchini and carrots, potatoes and eggplant, leeks and green salads. In addition, garnishes with nuts and fruit sauces, especially from small fruit – blackberries and blueberries can be suggested – as for venison, but citrus ones are also suitable.
It will be unusual but unique to offer side dishes with pasta, grains and seafood is also recommended and you cannot go wrong with it. All these products are very popular and you can find them everywhere.
Armed with this information and our wish for courage and more confidence in the kitchen, things are bound to work out!
You have used a grill, right? It's just that this meat will be ready faster than any other you've cooked. Then you'll want to fry, boil, make meatballs and ostrich medallions on. You won't be able to get enough of it.
The right drink for ostrich meat
It is best consumed with red wine. If it is also homemade, the planned special day is going to be perfect!
Good luck!