With chronic gastritis it is recommended to consume more dairy products such as:
- milk, yogurt, butter, cottage cheese, unsalted white cheese, cream;
- tender and lean meats such as boiled, minced, roasted, steamed or grilled, fried and breaded are not recommended;
- boiled tongue is healthy; leg of lamb soups; lean brawn;
- lean fish;

- soft-boiled eggs; poached eggs; steamed omelettes;
- various creams;
- all fruit, but without the seeds and their peel; fruit juices; compotes; purees; mousses; baked or cooked fruit;
- young and tender vegetables; vegetable purees and juices;
- white bread; biscuits; pasta; semolina; rice; oats.
Caution: Everything must not be fried.
With chronic gastritis, it is good to eat mild spices such as savory herb, dill, parsley, spearmint, sweet paprika, tomato puree.
It is best not to consume yellow cheese, cold cucumber soup, old meats, sausages, fatty fish, hard-boiled and baked eggs, unripe and dried fruit, spinach, dock, nettles, cucumbers and carbonated drinks.

Prohibited foods for gastritis are smoked cheese, animal offal, fatty sausages, sausages, pastrami, sazdarma, fried and breaded meats, game, legumes, radishes, pickles, pickled vegetables, corn, lard, tallow, bacon, iced drinks, ice cream, strong tea and coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.
Sweet things like baklava, kadaif, revani with thick syrup, jam, cakes and pastes are also not recommended during a chronic gastritis diet.
There should be a strict diet. You need to eat often, but without overloading your stomach, eating less without overeating. Meat and fish need to be precooked for a longer time to make them very tender. You must remove the broth.
See more healthy recipes for gastritis.