Sometimes it happens that a sponge cake is baked on the outside and looks very good, but the inside is pasty – undercooked and unpleasant to the taste.
To bake the sponge cake well both on the outside and inside, you need to preheat the oven to about 340°F (170°C). Once a light crust appears on the sponge cake, reduce the temperature to 270°F (130°C).
It is a good idea to use the hot fan function, if your oven has one. If the top of the sponge cake starts to burn, cover it with foil and move it to the lowest part of the oven. In general, it is best to bake the sponge cake by lowering the oven rack to the lowest possible level.
If the bottom of the sponge cake burns, lift it as high as possible. To determine whether the sponge cake is baked on the inside, you need to pierce it with a toothpick. If there is no dough sticking to it, the sponge cake is well baked.

To bake it well, you need to rotate the pan in the oven several times so that it is baked completely evenly. It takes about forty minutes to bake a medium-sized sponge cake.
Keep in mind that if the sponge cake batter contains juicy fruits, squeeze them slightly beforehand, because otherwise the cake will remain pasty, no matter how much you bake it.
To be sure that the fruit sponge cake will be well baked, bake it slower than a regular sponge cake, at a lower temperature.
If, despite all your efforts, the sponge cake remains pasty, you can try the following trick: remove the sponge cake from the pan and place it in a special glass dish for the microwave.
Turn on the microwave at maximum power and leave the sponge cake inside for about four minutes. Then put it back in the pan and bake for a few minutes in a normal oven to completely remove the moisture. The sponge cake will become smaller and drier, but it will not be pasty on the inside.
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Also see how long does it take to bake sponge cake, check out our tips and tricks for a good sponge cake and find out what the ideal sponge cake consistency is.