Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
Substituting wheat flour in keto cakes can be challenging because this type of flour contains high levels of carbohydrates. What to replace wheat flour with in keto cakes?
Tofu is a product of Chinese origin that is made from soy milk. It is believed that this type of cheese was consumed in China even before the new era. How to make tofu at home?
Artichoke is a tasty and nutritious vegetable, which at the same time contains almost no calories, therefore it is recommended for dietary nutrition. It is important to know how to clean and prepare artichokes.
Some types of olive oil are made by blending different varieties of olives, while other types, called monovarietal olive oils, are made from olives of the same variety.
Game meat is extremely tasty, as long as you know how to prepare it. Its characteristic is that it is drier, and the animals' muscles are harder and tougher.
Sorrel is a common perennial herb that eagerly sprouts from the ground each spring. Native to Europe and Asia, sorrel is both rich in vitamin C and particularly aromatic.
We all know that high temperatures melt chocolate, so for many it might seem logical to keep it in their fridge. But is this correct and where is actually the best place to store chocolate?
The perfect breaded chicken is juicy, crispy and full of flavor. With the right technique and a few secret ingredients, you can make amazingly delicious breaded chicken in the comfort of your kitchen.
Turkey is among the favorite poultry for a festive table. It is also extremely healthy - many people prefer it to chicken. 100 grams of cooked turkey contains as much as 30 grams of protein compared to only 160 calories.
If your choice is ostrich meat, let's focus on some specifics surrounding the preparation of dishes with ostrich meat. Ostrich meat will be ready faster than anything else you've cooked.