Cleaning calamari
How to clean calamari easily? Calamari are very tasty and healthy seafood, but in order not to lose their useful qualities, you must be able to prepare them correctly. Calamari can be cleaned in the usual way by removing the skin by hand or with a knife, but there is a simpler and easy way to clean calamari.
For this purpose, we only need boiling water, cold water and the calamari themselves.
Place a pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boiling point.
As soon as the water boils, drop the selected calamari into the boiling water and give it a quick stir.
Once in boiling water, the skin of the calamari immediately curls up, it is enough to stir them a few times and they become absolutely clean.
This procedure takes a few seconds, the main thing here is not to tear the calamari, because we are only cleaning them.
Now, they should be quickly taken out and washed under cold water or placed in a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking process.
If you prepare cleaned calamari for further stuffing or freezing for future use, then, without cutting them, remove the remains of the insides.

In this form, calamari are prepared for stuffing and further cooking, frying, baking or stewing.
Calamari are clean on the outside, but you need to clean them on the inside as well.
Cut the calamari lengthwise, remove the remains of the entrails. The calamari is clean but raw and now you will find out how to cook it properly.
Correct cooking of calamari
Put a pot of clean water on the stove, add one tablespoon of salt.
I want to draw attention to the fact that calamari are cooked very quickly. If overcooked, they will become tough and rubbery.
When the salted water boils, put the calamari in the boiling water and cover them with a lid.
Boil the calamari for 2 minutes from the moment of boiling, no more!
After 2 minutes, you need to quickly remove the calamari from the boiling water to completely stop the cooking process, drop the calamari into ice water or cool them under running water.
Remove the already cooled calamari from the water.

In this form, they are completely ready for further preparation for seafood salads and snacks.
1 kg of raw calamari makes 500 g of cooked calamari.
You can prepare a wide variety of calamari dishes that are tasty, spectacular and sophisticated. For example: