»Articles»Cooking Tips & Tricks»Pesto Trapanese - Composition and Culinary Applications

Pesto Trapanese - Composition and Culinary Applications

Stoyan AleksandrovStoyan Aleksandrov
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Pesto Trapanese - Composition and Culinary Applications
Image: Albena Asenova-Piseva

Pesto Trapanese (Pesto Trapanese), also known as red pesto, is a sauce of Italian cuisine that originates from the Sicily region of Italy. This type of pesto is traditionally prepared in Trapani, a seaside town on the northwest coast of Sicily. Pesto Trapanese differs from the more famous pesto from Genoa (Pesto Genovese) both in composition and taste.

Composition of Pesto Trapanese

The main ingredients of Pesto Trapanese include:


Instead of the traditional pine nuts, Pesto Trapanese uses almonds, which are characteristic of Sicilian cuisine and give the pesto a unique taste and texture of Pesto Trapanese.


Ripe tomatoes, such as the San Marzano variety, are used to give the pesto its characteristic color and flavor.


In some recipes for Pesto Trapenese you may find basil as an ingredient. There may be other fresh herbs such as mint and parsley.

Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil plays an important role in both the texture and flavor of pesto.

Parmesan or Pecorino

Parmesan or pecorino is sometimes added to enhance the flavor of the pesto.

Bruschetta with Pesto Trapanese


A few cloves of garlic complement the taste of Pesto Trapanese.

Salt and black pepper

To enhance the taste. It is possible to add paprika to these spices if desired.

How to make homemade Pesto Trapanese?

Put 100 g of almonds (you can lightly fry them in a pan beforehand), 200 g of tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic and salt to taste in a chopper or blender.

Start grinding the ingredients, gradually adding 100 ml of olive oil until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.

Add 50 g pecorino cheese cut into small pieces and a pinch of black pepper.

Continue to blend until all the ingredients are well mixed and you have a pesto of the desired consistency.

Culinary applications of Pesto Trapanese

Trapanese pesto pasta

Serve Pesto Trapanese over cooked pasta, such as macaroni, penne, tagliatelle, farfalle.

Spaghetti with pesto Trapanese sat classic. It's the perfect pasta sauce.

Or garnish falafels, roast meats or flavor sandwiches and canapés.

Pesto Trapanese is a fresh and aromatic recipe from Sicilian cuisine with an intense flavor and can be prepared quickly and easily. It is an alternative to the classic Pesto Genovese and has collected the flavors of Sicily.
