We know the mild, warm and sweet flavor of cinnamon well from the culinary use of the spice. Everyone is also familiar with the pleasant chocolate color of the aromatic spice. However, there is another type of cinnamon called wild or white cinnamon which is also aromatic, sweet in taste, spicy and slightly astringent when used.
White cinnamon has healing properties. It originates from Jamaica, the Antilles and the USA. It is a shrub or small tree that grows slowly and is recognized by the dense mass of leaves. It blooms in purple-white flowers, and the fruit are bright red balls growing at the top of the branches. Their taste is extremely interesting - reminiscent of both frankincense and black pepper.
The chemical content of white cinnamon is mainly distinguished by coumarin, some tannins and cinnamic acid. The natural cytotoxic action of the herb is due to the composition. Cytotoxins cause necrotic processes in malignant cancer cells, that is, they kill them, breaking down the shell, nucleus and other parts of the cell. They have an immunomodulating and anticancer effect. They are also antifungal and antimicrobial.
White cinnamon is used as a remedy both internally and externally.

For inflammation of the tonsils, fever, digestive problems, for gargling in tonsillitis. For headache relief and hangovers.
It is also recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland - goiter and the appearance of adenomas.
It is also used in various liver diseases, especially hepatitis. In addition to treatment, white cinnamon is also suitable for the prevention of liver problems.
For external use, white cinnamon is used for rheumatic complaints and arthritis. Because of the warming effect, baths are made for the hands, feet and the whole body with white cinnamon. In case of headache, an effective compress is made.
White cinnamon has few contraindications, and one of them is the reason for the prohibition to use it during pregnancy - because it causes menstruation, it is dangerous for pregnant women, it can lead to abortion.
The Indians found an interesting application of white cinnamon - they used it for fishing, as it put the fish to sleep and they could catch it with their bare hands. They also used white cinnamon as a love elixir. With its participation, they made oil that they rubbed into their bodies.
And now it's time to feed the soul with some delicious cinnamon sweets or make your whole home smell good with these cinnamon rolls.