People have been using spices since ancient times. In addition to adding flavor and aroma to dishes, different spices cure various diseases.
Green spices are an indispensable source of health and flavor. Let's look at some of the most famous ones.
Dill - it is rich in folic acid, vitamins A, C, E. Both fresh and dried dill has a strong aroma, slightly pungent and sweet taste. It is used to flavor salads, mayonnaise and yogurt sauces, cheeses and marinades. It dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. It is used to treat kidney stones, has a calming effect and its root enhances the secretion of mammary glands in breastfeeding women.
Parsley has a fresh and light aroma that is typical of green spices. Its roots contain essential oil. When fresh, it is used as a spice for stews, broths, soups and salads. When it is dried, it has a much weaker aroma. Parsley roots are used to flavor soups.
It is good for the heart and its regular consumption lowers blood pressure. Parsley improves kidney function, is used to treat deafness, ear infections, anemia, digestive problems, diarrhea, gallstones. It prevents from bad breath.
Basil is used in the cuisine of many nationalities. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. Helps with depression and fatigue, as well as inflammatory processes of the genitourinary tract. It is used to flavor pizzas, fish dishes, meat and eggs, meat and vegetable broths, beef and goose meat.
It is used in marinades, pickles and salads. Juice of fresh basil leaves is used for wounds, which are difficult to heal and infections of the middle ear. It is beneficial for bloating and externally used over swollen areas on the body and skin rashes. Helps with depression and fatigue.
Mint has a specific aroma and slightly pungent taste. Contains menthol and other aromatic oils. Its leaves, fresh or dried, are used to season salads, soups, bean dishes and vegetables. Mint has a gas-repellent effect, stimulates the appetite without irritating the lining of the stomach.
It has an invigorating and stimulating effect on the body. Reduces nausea and vomiting, stops stomach cramps and improves digestion. Helps with pain in the stomach and heart, as well as colds, bile and liver diseases.
Bay leaf is used in spicy dishes, game, fish, beef, soups and stews. It is rich in phytoncides, contains important trace elements for the body, increases immunity and removes toxins.
Bay leaf has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Relaxes spasms of the colon. The tannins in it lower blood sugar and act against diabetes. Bay leaf tea helps against dry cough.
Savory herb reduces gas in the intestines, increases the secretion of gastric juice. Its fresh leaves contain carotene and vitamin C. Since it stimulates the stomach, it is used in more difficult to digest dishes such as legumes, potato soups, various meat, fillings, minced meat. Helps with vomiting, headaches, palpitations and nervous attacks. Reduces thirst in diabetes. It has expectorant action.
Oregano has a strong antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, helps with cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis. It has expectorant and soothing effect on cough.
Helps with flatulence and liver disease. Increases appetite and has a diuretic effect. Oregano tea helps nervous tension, lazy bowels and insomnia. It is a classic pizza spice, used in salads, spaghetti, tomato sauces, vegetable and egg dishes, roasted pork or mutton.
Marjoram is used to make salads, vegetable, meat and fish dishes. Helps with stomach problems, has a calming and invigorating effect. It has a diuretic effect, useful for sprains and bruises - a strong antiseptic. Stimulates digestion, has a vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. Marjoram is useful for anemia, liver problems, bronchitis and diarrhea.
Thyme is a widespread spice. It is used in soups, salads, sauces, fillings and marinades for fish and meat. Also suitable for lamb, poultry and beef. It is a universal remedy for all kinds of ailments.
Helps with flu and upper respiratory problems. It has gas-repellent, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disinfectant action. Dulls dry cough, is beneficial if you have low blood pressure, insomnia and skin diseases.
Rosemary is added to salads, meat fillings, mushrooms, boiled fish, chicken and vegetable soups. It has an effective action against flatulence, low blood pressure, helps the activity of the stomach and intestines, improves digestion. Strengthens nerves and dilates blood vessels. It has anti-herpes effect.
Decoction of rosemary helps with flu and colds. It is useful in a number of gynecological diseases. Stimulates bile activity. Rosemary has a strong tonic and invigorating effect.