»Articles»Useful Advice»Benefits and Applications of Avocado Leaves

Benefits and Applications of Avocado Leaves

Diana IvanovaDiana Ivanova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Benefits and Applications of Avocado Leaves

Avocado is an example of a plant where different parts can be used for nutritional purposes and health benefits. Probably everyone is aware of the benefits of avocado and more precisely of the fruit, but few people know that its leaves are also used in cooking and folk medicine.

Nutritional value of avocado leaf decoction

Based on analysis by researchers, avocado leaves contain important nutrients that are good for your health. Below is a list of the nutritional values per 10 0g serving.

- Energy 670 kJ;

- 8.53 g of carbohydrates;

- 0.66 g of sugar;

- 6.7 g of fiber;

- 14.66 g of fat;

- 2 g of protein;

- 7 mcg of vitamin A;

- 62 mcg beta carotene;

- 271 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin;

- 0.067 mcg vitamin;

- B1 - 0.13 micrograms of vitamin;

- B2 - 1.738 mcg of vitamin;

- B3 - 1.389 mcg of vitamin;

- B5 - 0.257 mcg of vitamin;

- B6 - 81 μg;

- folate - 10 mcg;

- vitamin C - 2.07 mcg;

- vitamin E - 21 mcg;

- vitamin K - 12 mcg;

- calcium - 0.55 mcg (4%);

- iron 29 mcg (8%);

- magnesium - 0.142 μg (7%);

- manganese - 52 mcg (7%);

- phosphorus - 485 μg (10%);

- potassium - 7 μg;

- sodium - 0.64 μg (7%);

- zinc - 73.23 g;

- water - 7 μg

- fluoride - 76 mcg;

- beta-sitosterol.

It is not surprising that such a wide range of chemical elements in avocado leaves provide many health benefits.

For culinary purposes, avocado leaves are usually harvested from the Mexican varieties, botanically classified as Persea drymifolia and share the same family as the bay leaf - both belonging to the Laurel family. Avocado leaves are used in both fresh and dried form for medicinal purposes and to flavor culinary dishes.

Culinary application of avocado leaves

Benefits of Avocado Leaves

Avocado leaves are best for baking, boiling and steaming. Fresh avocado leaves can be placed underneath grilled meat, as a wrap for steaming or grilled fish. They can also be dried and ground and added to soups, stews, sauces, salad dressings.

Their taste resembles hazelnut and a strong aroma of anise. Dried avocado leaves can be kept in good shape for up to a year when stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place. Fresh avocado leaves will be good for several days when stored in a jar partially filled with water, covered with a plastic bag and refrigerated.

Avocado leaf decoction

Although they are also used for culinary purposes, it is believed that the best way to derive benefits from avocado leaves is to make a tea or decoction from them. The decoction can be very similar to traditional herbal tea. This drink is part of the folk medicine of some countries and therefore provides a wide range of exceptional health benefits.

For diarrhea

If you do not have the right medicine at the moment, you can drink tea made from avocado leaves to treat diarrhea. It prevents diarrhea and helps protect against bacteria and viruses (such as Shigrella and E. Coli). In addition, a 2008 study found that avocado leaf extract may protect against Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of diarrhea.

To control cholesterol levels

Drinking avocado leaf decoction can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. A 2010 study found that people who consumed avocado leaves had lower cholesterol levels than those who did not.

Prevention or treatment of diabetes

If you carefully read the nutritional value of avocado leaves, you will see that they contain flavonoids. This chemical compound plays an important role in normalizing blood sugar levels. Even after eating a high-carb meal, drinking avocado leaf decoction will lower your sugar levels. A study in Japan confirms these properties. Specifically, it helps lower blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Supporting cardiovascular health

Avocado leaf tea has positive effects on cardiovascular health, blood pressure and circulation. The chemical composition of tea may help manage blood pressure and heart rate. Research confirming this finding was conducted in 2005. Their results showed that herbivores who consumed avocado leaves had normal blood pressure and heart rate.

Acne treatment

Avocado leaves help with acne

You can use avocado leaf decoction as an alternative for skin treatment. No doubt drinking also helps with acne reduction and blackheads. This is probably due to the antioxidants present in avocado leaf tea and its antiseptic properties. Drinking this herbal tea also helps prevent excessive oiliness of the skin.

It has anti-againg properties

Avocado leaf tea is high in antioxidants. This is an important factor in preventing the early signs of aging as the free radicals will be neutralized by the antioxidants in the avocado leaf decoction. It also helps maintain skin elasticity.

Relief of itching

Avocado leaf decoction also helps relieve itchy skin caused by irritation, insect bites, or an allergic reaction. This is due to the anti-allergenic substances found in avocado leaf tea.

Helps prevent hair loss

Avocado leaves are excellent for treating hair loss. This is mainly due to the fact that they contain B vitamins, which are a very important aspect in treating this problem. Drinking avocado leaf decoction affects your hair in the following ways:

- Helps strengthen hair, preventing breakage;

- Improves the nutrition of the hair follicle to prevent hair loss;

- Gives the hair a shiny look;

- Helps prevent early graying of hair;

- Prevents pale hair color and gives it shine.

More useful properties of avocado leaf decoction

Avocado leaf tea

- This is an excellent herbal tea for treating colds;

- Helps treat flu by preventing viral infection;

- Acts as an antibiotic;

- Treats all kinds of stomach pains, balances stomach acids and bowel work;

- Helps to treat arthritis;

- Helps to cleanse the kidneys;

- Helps with detoxification;

- Helps to treat gout;

- It has diuretic properties, helps with cystitis and kidney stones;

- Prevents caries;

- Helps reduce pain in the lower back;

- May act as an anti-inflammatory agent;

- Helps to regulate the menstrual cycle;

- Treats symptoms of menopause;

- Helps with stress, has a calming effect;

- Reduces headaches.

How to prepare an avocado leaf decoction

To prepare an avocado leaf decoction, boil 3 leaves in 250 to 300 ml of water. Let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Cool, strain and drink it in one day in 3 equal portions. You can sweeten it with honey.

Speaking of avocados, also learn:

- what does avocado contain;

- how to ripen avocados faster;

- how to grow avocados;

- how to freeze avocado;
