We all adore jam, marmalades, compotes and fruit drinks made from blackberry. Eating its fresh fruit, which we already know are a wonderful antioxidant and bring countless benefits to our health, brings us no less pleasure.
If you read the following article, however, you would be surprised that blackberry leaves are no less healthy, because of the fact that they contain a much larger amount of vitamin C, than in the fruit of this shrub.
Like raspberries, blackberries are common in the wild, mostly in mountainous areas, near rivers and roads. Unfortunately, probably due to the fact that blackberries are a much thornier shrub compared to raspberries, people have gradually stopped growing them in their yards over time.
The benefits of blackberries and their leaves, however, were already well known to our ancestors and in many countries the blackberry is known as "black raspberry".
All parts of it are usable - not only the fruit, but also the roots, shoots and blackberry leaves. Medicinal potions, creams and tinctures were prepared, which we can still find today in pharmacy, cosmetics and medicine.
Blackberry leaves contain many flavonoids, amino acids, organic acids, tannins, organic and essential oils, vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as calcium, potassium, zinc, copper and phosphorus. They are also rich in anthocyanins, which are known to reduce the risk of cancer. And if you think that this mix turns blackberries into high-calorie ones, you'd be wrong. The calories contained in blackberries are also less than those in watermelon!
Blackberry leaves contain salicylic acid, which acts like aspirin, which is why blackberries are often called natural aspirin.

In addition to strengthening the immune system, lowering the risk of colds and reducing fever, the leaves of the magic bush have the ability to protect us from all kinds of germs and improve the quality of our blood.
Since ancient times, infusions of blackberry leaves have been used against inflammation of the urinary organs and against diabetes and the Romans prepared compresses with blackberry leaves for faster healing of wounds.
As we said at the beginning, blackberry leaves are a strong antioxidant that reduces the risk of oncological diseases (they are also believed to have an effect in the treatment of breast cancer). However, they also contribute to overall strengthening of our health and preservation of our youthful appearance.
Decoctions of blackberry leaves are recommended for women suffering from irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, excessive bleeding or general discomfort during menopause.
If you suffer from diarrhea, make sure to prepare blackberry leaf tea because they have a strong astringent effect. And unlike the synthetic preparations sold in pharmacies, they are a completely natural product. A real gift from Nature!