»Articles»Useful Advice»Elder - healing properties and composition

Elder - healing properties and composition

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Elder is the twin brother of elderberry, it is a plant with strong therapeutic effects that can be used to treat and prevent many diseases.

Elder is a perennial plant. Its leaves are serrated, and the flowers are white, with a pleasant smell. Its fruits are small, black and shiny, with three elongated seeds inside. The plant can be found in mountainous areas and in river valleys where the sun does not shine directly.

The flowers are collected, when more than two thirds of them are blooming, the fruits are collected in autumn when they are black. Green fruits should not be used for human consumption. Components used from this plant are the flowers, fruit and skin of the stem.

The flowers contain glycosides, tannins, sapien, pectin, essential oils, vitamin C and mineral salts. The fruits - alkaloids, carotene, tannins, organic acids and vitamins A, B and C. The leaves contain vitamin C and the skin is rich in tannins, resin and valerenic acid. All these compounds make the plant diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Elder  flowering

Elder is a highly antiviral medicine for stimulation in the treatment of degenerative diseases, prevention of cancer and control of benign tumors. A tincture of the fruits helps to activate the immune system.

It also helps destroy intestinal worms. The fruit and juice derived from it can calm neuralgia. Also, it is useful in cases of rheumatism, respiratory problems or sciatica. The skin is recommended for nephritis and edema. Tea from the flowers helps detoxify the body, and is recommended for the treatment of colds and bronchitis.

According to folk medicine, elder can be used as a remedy for obesity, as it has laxative properties and the ability to remove water from the tissues. It is used in cases of kidney conditions.

It eliminates toxins from the body through urine, and sweat, and increased secretory activity of the perspiration glands. It also increases the secretion of the mammary glands in women who breastfeed.

Elder tea is used for furuncles, eczema, burns, swelling and hives. Their compresses help to treat conjunctivitis, swelling of eyelids, as a means of reducing inflammation, infection and liquefaction of mucus.


Elder is not recommended for consumption in large doses. It can create symptoms of intoxication, vomiting, irritation of the throat, stomach burns, difficulty breathing, or convulsions.
