Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
Kohlrabi Protects Against Flu and Prostate CancerKohlrabi Protects Against Flu and Prostate Cancer
14 Jan.
Besides taking kohlrabi for flu, it helps clear the respiratory airways and the lungs. Kohlrabi is recommended for people with bronchial diseases and for smokers.
Eat Almonds Every Day to Avoid a Large Gut and Beer BellyEat Almonds Every Day to Avoid a Large Gut and Beer Belly
13 Jan.
If you too have put on a little extra and want to be rid of that unpleasant gut and beer belly, the best option is to eat almonds on a daily basis. Consuming these almonds strengthens the heart by lowering bad cholesterol.
Health Benefits of Adzuki BeansHealth Benefits of Adzuki Beans
09 Jan.
As mentioned, adzuki beans are rich in proteins, while containing very little fat - less than 1 g in half a serving. The potassium improves blood flow, while the folic acid is exceptionally key during early pregnancy.
Plastic Plates and Cutlery Cause Kidney DamagePlastic Plates and Cutlery Cause Kidney Damage
07 Jan.
People who frequently eat food in plastic containers are damaging their kidneys, state scientists from Taiwan. For their study, the experts divided volunteers into 2 separate groups.
Six Health Benefits of BlackcurrantsSix Health Benefits of Blackcurrants
06 Jan.
Blackcurrants help the liver - according to experts from the University of Turku, Finland, people who regularly consume blackcurrants significantly decrease the enzyme ALAT (alanine aminotransferase), which is detrimental to the liver.
A Teaspoon of Honey in your Wine Does WondersA Teaspoon of Honey in your Wine Does Wonders
05 Jan.
Added to tea or eaten on its own, honey alleviates sore throat, aids against dry cough. Let us present you 2 recipes that can help especially if you've been terribly sick and have a weakened immunity.
Melt Away Fat with Orange RindMelt Away Fat with Orange Rind
18 Dec.
A lesser-known fact is that oranges contain vitamins В, Р, Е, К, carotene and calcium, the majority of which is found in the crust. An orange rind also contains more than 60 types of flavonoids and over 170 different kinds of phytonutrients.
Coconut Milk Against HangoversCoconut Milk Against Hangovers
16 Dec.
Coconuts are good for the heart, strengthen the immune system, help against allergies, provide great care for the skin and hair. Coconuts can be used to make milk, coconut oil and coconut water.
The French Owe Their Longevity to RoquefortThe French Owe Their Longevity to Roquefort
15 Dec.
It became evident that the culprit for French long life is their favorite delicacy - Roquefort cheese. They call it the king of all cheeses - a very accurate description of the delicacy that extends life.
Black Pepper Treats AnginaBlack Pepper Treats Angina
11 Dec.
The spicy ingredient found in black pepper that makes us sneeze also helps weight loss, a study shows. Black pepper successfully combats the excess fat in the body and prevents the accumulation of new fat.
Eat Only Every 8 Hours to Lose WeightEat Only Every 8 Hours to Lose Weight
11 Dec.
Instead of staring at all the delicious food and trying to convince yourself that you shouldn't eat, try to eat every 8 hours during the day.
Foods That Keep Us Healthy During the WinterFoods That Keep Us Healthy During the Winter
10 Dec.
Kale, spinach and all kinds of dark leafy vegetables in general are highly recommended for consumption, being abundantly rich in vitamins C, A and K.
The Healing Power of Black ElderThe Healing Power of Black Elder
10 Dec.
Black elder has a diuretic and laxative effect - remedies from the herb are taken for constipation and lazy bowels. For such cases, it is recommended to make a marmalade from the fruits of black elder and to take it several times a day - 1 tsp each time.