Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
Which are the Most Addicting Foods?Which are the Most Addicting Foods?
18 May
Surely you've noticed that there are foods you tend to eat with a relish and can literally eat them every single day. The reason for this, according to experts, is that certain food products lead to addiction.
Why Should you Eat Liver Regularly?Why Should you Eat Liver Regularly?
17 May
Liver is a very excellent source of selenium, maintains blood cell health and prevents anemia, maintains the immune system and brain health.
The Magical Properties of Mineral WaterThe Magical Properties of Mineral Water
16 May
Experts claim that mineral water is very healthy and provides the body the necessary minerals. Mineral water has a rich content of calcium and fluoride, meaning it should be consumed most by women, children and adults.
Foods That Fatten us UnnoticeablyFoods That Fatten us Unnoticeably
16 May
Many of us have fallen into the absurd situation of feeling constantly hungry, while at the same time packing on extra pounds. Here's a short list of foods that fatten us unnoticeably.
Top 5 Health Benefits That Tomatoes Give usTop 5 Health Benefits That Tomatoes Give us
14 May
Here are the 5 huge health benefits that the consumption of tomatoes brings. For the 1st, we have to note that tomatoes contain enormous amounts of vitamin C and we all know how important it is for strengthening the human immune system.
Four Unbelievable Stuffings for Baked ApplesFour Unbelievable Stuffings for Baked Apples
13 May
To substitute some of your favorite high calorie desserts, take advantage of the ideas offered below and prepare some truly irresistible desserts and appetizers, that are just as delicious as they are healthy.
Five Reasons to Stop Stuffing Yourself with Sweets!Five Reasons to Stop Stuffing Yourself with Sweets!
12 May
Sugar and sugary foods are always tempting and have a calming effect but excessive consumption of them has detrimental effects on our health. Here are 5 good reasons to stop eating sugar.
Clever Tips for More Delicious DishesClever Tips for More Delicious Dishes
09 May
When roasting meat, add a few onion heads to the oven dish - this way the dish won't burn, the meat will gain a more enticing aroma, while you can also then serve the onions as a side to the dish.
Foods That Provide us with Vitamin B12Foods That Provide us with Vitamin B12
04 May
Foods rich in vitamin B12 include mussels and oysters, salmon, various meats - lamb, turkey, rabbit, veal and chicken. B12 is contained in fish, brewer's yeast, bee pollen and raspberries.
The Western Diet Shortens our Lives!The Western Diet Shortens our Lives!
29 Mar.
A new study proves the unhealthy effects of the fatty foods, sugar and meat we eat every single day. Everything, of course, depends on how they are processed but in general they are not particularly recommended if we feel like living longer.