Kohlrabi, which does not enjoy particular popularity everywhere, looks like a green or purple ball of a medium size. The edible part of this fall vegetable is the large stem of this biennial plant.
The majority of people don't even know how to prepare it. It is a little-known fact that besides its sweet flavor, Kohlrabi also delights with its rich palette of benefits to the body and human health.
As a species, kohlrabi is similar to turnips but is lighter and sweeter to the taste. It can be consumed raw, as well as cooked. It is added to salads, soups, fried dishes, it can be fried or steamed. However, when fried, its beneficial substances are eliminated and kohlrabi becomes carcinogenic.
Just 3.5 oz (100 g) of kohlrabi contain the daily recommended values of vitamin C. This fortifies the immune system and successfully combats colds, viruses and flus. Because of this, kohlrabi is among the healthiest foods during the winter cold season months.
It contains vitamins from groups B, А, Е, D, as well as beneficial micronutrients, such as sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, manganese, copper, chromium and iron.

Another function of kohlrabi is the prevention of prostate cancer, as well as kidney problems. Besides taking it for flu, it helps clear the respiratory airways and the lungs. It is recommended for people with bronchial diseases and for smokers.
Kohlrabi is exceptionally low in calories. 3.5 oz (100 g) contain just 25-30 calories and almost no fat or proteins. This makes it the perfect food for diets.
Kohlrabi can be found in most foods stores. Choose small to medium-sized heads. The leaves must be fresh, without yellowing around the edges.
The fleshy part needs to be whole. If there is a yellow inside coming out from it, don't buy it. Kohlrabi does not have a long shelf life. In a refrigerator, it lasts several days.