It is quite common to get a muscle ache after an intense physical workout. If you've recently begun actively exercising, there is a high probability that your body will ache quite intensely and for you to feel pain with every movement.
There are several natural methods for overcoming this state quickly and easily. According to some sources, the reason for muscle ache is due mainly to the lack of liquids in the human body. When working out, the body also loses a lot of liquids, which is why experts advise us to take in high quantities of water during our workouts.
To relax the body and get rid of muscle ache, a number of measures can be taken. Begin massaging the area where you feel a lot of pain or if this is not possible, simply move it.
Another tried and tested method for relieving muscle pain is a compress with rosemary. Put a few leaves of the flavorful spice in boiling water - 2 cups (500 mL). Let the mixture sit for half an hour and then let it cool.
Next, soak a piece of cloth in the remedy and wrap the cloth around the painful area - keep the compress on for about 3 hours. It is advised to apply a compress at least 2 to 3 times a day, so that the pain goes away more quickly.
According to experts from the state of Georgia, ginger can also be of aid at a time like this. They claim that as little as half a teaspoon added to a dish will help the body and relieve muscle aches and pains by up to 25%.
Another effective method that some experts recommend for muscle ache is taking in calcium - eat a piece of feta cheese or drink a glass of milk.
For people who exercise more intensely, 2-3 glasses daily are recommended. This will save us from unpleasant soreness.
Milk is specially recommended for people who are planning a more intensive physical workout. It is even believed that milk can help students prior to a difficult test. A glass of milk would charge them with energy before it.
Still, it shouldn't be overconsumed - choose low-fat milk when you can.