»Culinary Collections»Canned Ajvar Recipes

I will spread a slice and start making my Serbian ajvar according to an old recipe....

Distribute the ajvar in jars, try to get all the air out. Close and store them in a cool area....

Clean the fish, wash and cut them into slices. Prepare a brine of coarse salt, add in an egg, only a small part of it (about the size of a coin) needs...

Wash the carrots and onions. Slice the carrots and onions into thin sheets if needed.
Blanch the carrots for about 3-5 minutes in salted, boiling...

Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces, which are suitable for cooking.
Season it with salt and leave it on a grill or on a sloping surface in the...

Cover them with lids and sterilize for 40 minutes, after which the canned peas are ready....

Serve the homemade ajvar well chilled, spread on a slice or homemade bread with a slice of white cheese.
Enjoy this traditional ajvar,...

Roast the eggplants and peppers, peel them and grind through a meat grinder.
Add mashed garlic, black pepper, oil, salt and then lemon juice to...


This type of preserve is usually made in the spring. Wash the leaves, dry them a bit and arrange them into 4 piles of 10 leaves.
Roll them up...

The fresh olives are cleaned and washed. Split them slightly with a knife and place them in a deep bowl, then cover them with boiling water. Leave...
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