In modern nutrition, the superfood label is applied to those products that, with their nutritional profile, surpass the others. The benefits for the body from the use of these foods in the long term are great. Escarole also belongs to this group.
What is escarole
Escarole is a vegetable, a variety of flat-leaf endive, which belongs to the chicory family. It is distinguished by its wide, wrinkled leaves, with slightly serrated edges, which is its difference from butter lettuce.
In terms of taste, escarole is more bitter than lettuce and less spicy than curly endive.
Although it originates from India, escarole grows in different climatic conditions and is distributed throughout the world. In Europe, it is most popular in Italian cuisine.
Nutritional Profile of Escarole
As a member of the chicory family, escarole owes its bitter notes to the substance lactucopicrin, which is also known as intybin.
Characteristics of escarole are its low calorie content, lack of fat, richness in trace elements and fiber, vitamins, including important nutrients such as copper, folic acid, vitamins A, C, K.
Benefits of escarole

This food product with a slightly bitter taste has the following health benefits.
Escarole helps with weight loss
It is a filling and diuretic vegetable. With only 35 calories in 100 grams of escarole, it is an excellent option for weight-regulating diets.
Escarole prevents anemia
High concentrations of iron and folic acid make escarole a recommended food for anemia.
Improves blood clotting
Escarole is rich in vitamin K, which is beneficial for blood clotting and prevents clots from forming, thereby preventing a number of life-threatening conditions.
Skin care
The antioxidants, beta carotene and vitamin C in the vegetable support skin care.
Escarole cleanses the liver

In case of fatty liver and excessive alcohol consumption, consumption of escarole is recommended to cleanse the most important organ in the human body.
Regulates cholesterol
The ability of the vegetable to regulate glucose and cholesterol helps to overcome diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Escarole is good for eye and gut health and reduces inflammation.
How to prepare escarole
This versatile vegetable is suitable for raw salads. Its outer leaves are bitter and chewy, while the inner ones are yellowish and sweeter. Acidic spices such as lemon juice or vinegar neutralize the bitterness when preparing escarole.
Those who do not like raw vegetables can add escarole to soup or stew it.
The vegetable can also be grilled. To do this, cut it lengthwise into 4 parts, brush it with canola oil, sprinkle with salt and black pepper and grill for 3 minutes on each side. Serve with sauce or dip. It can also be combined with strained yogurt.
Have a look at some more tips for culinary uses of escarole.