As far back as 4, 000 years ago, ancient healers in China, Greece and Rome used the herb oregano for medicinal purposes. In Greek mythology, it is said that oregano was created by the goddess Aphrodite to symbolize happiness. The herb blooms with beautiful purple-pink flowers, which can be eaten.
The name of oregano translates as joy from the mountain. And it is quite an apt name, because the plant comes to its best form from a higher altitude.
It is native to Europe and during World War II, American soldiers sent to Italy liked oregano and brought it to America. It is now grown for culinary and other purposes there as well. The oil contains many of the main benefits of oregano.
Obtaining oil of oregano
Oil of common oregano is known by the Latin name Origanum vulgare. It must be distinguished from the oil used for culinary purposes in Italy. Although it is called oregano oil, the oil used in cooking is derived from marjoram or Mexican oregano.
The real natural oil of oregano is obtained by distillation and is produced in different concentrations. Its main ingredient is carvacrol and to be truly effective, it must be at least 70 percent of the composition.
Of course, oregano oil has a rich composition that includes many elements and this makes it a powerful antiseptic.
Phytomycological composition of oregano oil
According to a French study 10 years ago, oregano oil contains 46 active compounds, with the phytochemical carvacrol being the dominant one. Carvacrol is a phenol that has an interesting effect on bacteria. It penetrates through their outer membrane, which protects them from immune defense cells. This way, they become detectable to the immune system and it can destroy them. At the same time, carvacrol is harmless to healthy cells.
Other ingredients are thymol, gamma terpinene, para simene, beta caryophyllene, rosmarinic acid, myrcene. Like green tea, this oil contains high doses of polyphenols, tannins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, which have antitumor and antiaging properties. Oregano oil contains more phenols than many other herbal products.
The composition of oregano oil is also distinguished by the presence of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, a number of vitamins and is therefore effective against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.
Antioxidants in the composition of the oil are a powerful shield against free radicals. It not only neutralizes them, but also supports tissue recovery. This slows down the aging process, which is natural, as well as other age-related health conditions such as macular degeneration.
Beneficial properties of oregano oil

Anti-cancer effect - this product has strong anti-cancer properties. A study conducted in India found that carvacrol had a protective effect against colon and rectal cancer. Oregano oil suppresses the development of tumor cells, stopping the cycle of cell division.
Oil from the oregano herb also has a beneficial effect on leukemia, breast cancer, and brain tumors. The ability of the product to suppress the action of mutagens makes it a valuable treatment for this serious disease.
Antidote properties - oregano essential oil has been used by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians as an antidote. This fact has now been established through experiments. Despite its high toxicity, the preparation is often used as a cure for rheumatoid arthritis and various types of cancer.
Antifungal action - fungal infections are common, but oregano oil protects the body effectively from them. It is effective against candida, the deadly tropical disease pythiasis. For these high-risk diseases, it is best combined with peppermint.
Antiviral properties - according to scientists, oil of oregano can control human norovirus, which causes enteritis.
Anti-parasitic properties - the thymol in the composition of the oil can destroy the parasitic flatworm, which is the cause of cystic echinococcosis. This disease affects the liver, lungs and other organs.
Antibacterial effect - oregano oil has a strong effect against 5 types of bacteria, mainly associated with food poisoning. All of them are dangerous pathogens, but the oregano herb product has been able to destroy them.
Anti-diabetic action - oregano is effective against type 1 diabetes. It protects against hyperglycemia and may be the basis of future diabetes therapy.
Anti-inflammatory effect - carvacrol and thymol in the product have been found to suppress inflammatory reactions.
Anti-allergic properties - rosmarinic acid, which is part of the composition of oregano oil, has anti-allergic properties, it is the main phenolic antioxidant in oregano. For patients with seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis, oil of oregano has reduced the inflammation.
Immunostimulant - this oil's immune boosting potential has been well researched. The oregano plant has been used for centuries as an immunostimulant, taken orally as a dietary supplement. White blood cells are stimulated, which are the first line of defense against fungi and bacteria.
Ways to use oregano oil
Internal use of oregano oil
Oregano oil is taken internally for allergies, arthritic conditions, rheumatism, arthrosis, for breathing problems, for candidiasis, to strengthen immunity, for diarrhea and flatulence, for digestive problems. This product is also effective in emergencies such as bites from poisonous snakes, spiders, bee stings, as the oil neutralizes the poison. For muscle pain, it can be taken to improve joint function and muscle flexibility.
External use of oregano oil

Oregano oil is a strong concentrate. It is good to dilute it with other types of oils. Jojoba makes a particularly good tandem with oregano oil, as well as linseed, olive and cedar oil.
For external use, oregano oil is recommended for: itching, skin infections such as acne and psoriasis, eczema and candida. It is a good idea for diseases of the joints and tendons. It is an effective pain reliever for arthritis, bursitis, muscle pain, sports injuries, back pain. It can be used for burns, ear infections, in the treatment of respiratory system infections.
It can also be used to remove skin growths such as warts. It is a completely safe, skin-friendly process that is encouraged by pharmacology.
Contraindications for using oregano oil
This product is well tolerated by the body, but there are still some cases in which it is not recommended to use oregano essential oil. These are:
- During pregnancy;
- In people with very low blood pressure, because it further lowers it.
Making oregano oil at home
To enjoy the unsuspected benefits of oregano, try making oregano oil yourself.
The necessary ingredients are the following:
- 2 cups of oregano leaves
- 1 cup of pure extra virgin olive oil
Place 1/2 of the first cup of oregano leaves in a mortar and gently pound with the pestle, until the leaves are mashed. Then the same action is done with the other half of the cup with leaves.
The second cup of leaves is treated in the same way.
The olive oil is gradually added to the already crushed leaves. In order to extract the oils well, the olive oil can be preheated slightly in a water bath.
When the mixture is mixed well, it is placed in a glass jar with a cap and stored in a cool place, by stirring every 3-4 days. In 10 to 14 days the valuable essential oil is extracted. It is ready when its color turns deep brown. Strain it through cheesecloth or a fine strainer and store it in the refrigerator.