Flax is one of the plants that have been used by humans since ancient times. It is known that even 30 thousand years ago, flax was used as a textile. Its cultivation took place in ancient Egypt and this happened mainly, because of the seeds of the plant, which were used as a dietary supplement.
They also yield flaxseed oil, which is an invaluable product, because of its wealth of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. According to recent research, the fibers found in the seed coat bind to cholesterol in the intestines and prevent its absorption and passage into the blood vessels.
This product affects cholesterol and blood coagulation and has an important place in folk medicine. In cosmetics, flaxseed oil is included in the composition of creams, gels and masks to hydrate and cleanse the skin, to lose weight and detox the body. Therefore, it is good to know all its possible uses for each gender and age.
How is flaxseed oil made?
Flaxseed oil is a transparent yellowish liquid, which is obtained by the method of cold pressing of dried raw flax seeds. This happens at a temperature no higher than 40-50°C. With this technology, all useful substances found in the seeds are completely preserved. It is bottled in dark bottles to protect it from oxidation and preserve its healing properties. Once opened, linseed oil should be kept at temperatures of 4 to 6°C and with the cap tightly closed.
Chemical composition of flaxseed oil
The numerous benefits of this oil are due to its amazing composition, ranking it among the top 10 products with a positive influence on the human body.
Linolenic acid - it regulates the metabolic processes of proteins and fats, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the work of the nervous system, is a prevention against premature aging, improves the absorption of vitamins, regulates the balance of hormones, keeps the digestive system in normal condition.
A-linolenic acid - it reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood and supports brain activity. It has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, protective effect on cell membranes.
Saturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids - participate in the absorption of vitamins, protect against malignant diseases. They are the most important source of energy for the body.
Oleic acid - promotes the production of free radical fighting antioxidants. It protects the heart, regulates the intestines and stomach, improves the condition of the skin.
Vitamins of group B, E, A, K - they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulate metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on eye sight and improve the skin.

Minerals - zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium with a positive effect on all organs and systems in the body.
The level of antioxidants in flaxseed is so high that it makes it an indispensable product for preventing cancer. It increases the quality of life and is a sure prevention for many diseases, therefore it has a central place in health prevention.
Who is flaxseed oil most beneficial for?
Due to the high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, flaxseed oil is particularly beneficial for people suffering from atherosclerosis, disorders of lipid metabolism and obesity. It treats asthma and serves to increase vitality after operative interventions. Flaxseed is recommended for arthritis, kidney and thyroid diseases. Externally applied to wounds and burns and any skin diseases.
Flaxseed oil for women
- supports the fight against infertility, because it improves the functions of the uterus;
- has a rejuvenating effect, because it slows down aging, the condition of the skin and hair, as well as of the nails;
- regulates bleeding and relieves pain during the menstrual cycle, promotes ovulation and the production of estrogens.
Flaxseed oil for children
In adolescents, flaxseed oil promotes growth and strengthens the immune system. It protects them from infections. It is not recommended for children to take it on an empty stomach because it is a laxative.
Flaxseed oil for men
- increases erection;
- helps with inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
- prevention is against prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
- enhances sexual sensations.
Flaxseed oil in weight loss diets
Flaxseed oil is truly an indispensable product in weight loss diets. It serves to dull the feeling of hunger and the metabolism is significantly improved. The body is cleansed after its use and the lipid metabolism returns to normal. It breaks down fat and is therefore effective for weight loss and detoxification.
Methods for using flaxseed oil

There are various methods of using flaxseed oil.
In diets for weight loss flaxseed oil is taken on an empty stomach. In the morning before meals, take 2-3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, slightly warmed. After 30 minutes, drink a glass of cold water. The effect of the oil lasts 24 hours. This detox method is applied for 14 days.
Contraindications for the use of flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil is safe for consumption. With excessive use, there are side effects - abdominal bloating, intestinal flatulence, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting.
However, this product is contraindicated for diabetics, because it affects blood sugar levels.
It is also not recommended to take flaxseed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because of the estrogen-like effect of the oil, which can harm the fetus.
One of the best ways to consume flaxseed oil is by mixing it with cottage cheese or yogurt. This way, the oil is well emulsified and the body absorbs it more easily.
It is recommended that flaxseed oil is taken in combination with fish oil, as fish oil contains eicosapateonic and docosahexaenoic acids, which help to effectively convert the omega-3 fatty acids contained in the oil.
Benefits of flaxseed oil for external use
Treats eczema
Eczema is a common skin disorder that causes it to become dry, red, itchy, cracked or swollen. The cause is allergic reactions to chemicals, food products or other substances such as soaps, perfumes and detergents.
The natural fatty acids in flaxseed oil improve skin elasticity and texture, making flaxseed oil one of the best solutions for improving skin health and skin problems like eczema.
Skin care
This is one of the natural oils that restore the skin's youth and radiance, as well as its hydration. It provides deep nourishment and prevents wrinkle formation and signs of fading. It reliably protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, eliminates stress and gives a radiant look and a youthful radiance to the face.
Flaxseed oil is involved in skin care in the form of masks, cleansing scrubs, lotions, creams. Most of the flaxseed oil based recipes are available for self-use at home. They are most effective if they are correctly selected according to the different skin types and the problems they are supposed to solve. The restorative and anti-aging properties of the oil are a guarantee of its effective benefits when applied externally on the skin, hair and nails.