Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
Health Benefits of Raspberry JuiceHealth Benefits of Raspberry Juice
27 Aug.
If you have skin problems, raspberry juice is a fundamental beauty aid. If you have blackheads and pimples, combine the juice of fresh raspberry leaves and butter in a 1:4 ratio, until it starts to look like a cream.
Monk Fruit is the New Sugar SubstituteMonk Fruit is the New Sugar Substitute
27 Aug.
One of the relatively unknown sugar substitutes is called the monk fruit, and it is absolutely delicious. Fans of it describe it as the best alternative. It is believed that soon monk fruit will sit alongside stevia.
Cloves in Food Reduce StressCloves in Food Reduce Stress
26 Aug.
You can make an elixir of basil leaves, mint and cloves. Put some of these spices in water that's been preheated on the stove. Then you can drink this elixir like a tea - add honey, lemon to your taste.
A Handful of Grapes Daily Gets Rid of Migraine and ConstipationA Handful of Grapes Daily Gets Rid of Migraine and Constipation
25 Aug.
If you eat grapes regularly you will notice the difference - the absence of nervous strain, the lightness in your stomach will be tangible, and migraines and regular headaches will become foreign sensations to you.
Dark Chocolate - a Solution Against WrinklesDark Chocolate - a Solution Against Wrinkles
22 Aug.
Just 2 pieces of dark chocolate a day can solve the eternal problem that women have - aging. According to scientists, the sugar temptation contains substances which prevent the appearance of wrinkles, caused by the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin.
Mahonia Fruits are Brimming with Vitamin CMahonia Fruits are Brimming with Vitamin C
20 Aug.
Initially, mahonia fruits are green, then become dark blue with a light gray sheen, like blueberries. Many people cultivate mahonia as a decorative plant, but the fruits of this prized shrub have many properties beneficial to human health.
Good Health Comes with 14 oz Mixed Vegetables Per DayGood Health Comes with 14 oz Mixed Vegetables Per Day
19 Aug.
Just 5 servings of mixed vegetables per day are enough to decrease the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, claim publications in the online version of the British Medical Journal.
Corn is a SuperfoodCorn is a Superfood
18 Aug.
Corn cleanses the digestive system, it's good against constipation and hemorrhoids. It's an excellent source of thiamine (vitamin B1), which takes part in the process of turning food into energy for the body.
Blackberries - One of the Healthiest FruitsBlackberries - One of the Healthiest Fruits
18 Aug.
Blackberries contain much more vitamin P than raspberries. They also contain vitamins K, A and C. Because of these qualities, blackberries have been used since ancient times as an excellent method for reducing fever.
Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Zucchini Hydrate the BodyCucumbers, Tomatoes and Zucchini Hydrate the Body
14 Aug.
For the proper operation of cell functions, every person needs water - cucumbers truly do contain a high percentage of water, as well as vitamin C. The next suitable food for hot days is the tomato - it contains much fiber and water.