What happens to food during the process of frying, that makes it less healthy than others that are boiled, sautéed, baked, etc. ? Fried foods can produce toxic compounds.
Winter season is the best for citrus. There are cases, however, where some fruits are not good for the body. Grapefruit should not be taken if you have any kidney disease.
People who eat mostly meat, are at risk of getting fat more than those who use less meat. There are many different opinions regarding whether you gain weight with meat or not.
Sometimes, to save time, we snack in front of the computer and then go back to work - this is the wrong approach. Nutrition is a process that requires due attention.
Green tea, also called virgin tea is one of the best teas to cleanse the body. Green tea is good for normalizing the metabolism, stabilizing weight and is the secret of eternal youth.