Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
Hominy helps to remove toxins from the body and contains two essential amino acids. For preparation of hominy is needed a pot with thick walls and bottom.
Add a pinch of salt when beating egg whites or cream to achieve faster and greater results. Add salt to boiling water. Check out if you have fresh eggs.
In your kitchen there are many things that contain bacteria. It is good to know how long before a particular product or subject of the kitchen should be discarded.
Poultry contains more complete protein than the meat of domestic animals. When you buy frozen chicken or other bird meat, thaw slowly at temperatures no higher than 18 degrees.
To make roast goose tasty and tender, it must first be well-prepared. This is not difficult, but requires time - two days, which means you need to buy it a few days before serving.
Meat dishes can be varied not only in different ways of preparing, but also by changing the spices that are added to it. Different types of meat require different spices to be even more delicious and aromatic.
To ensure the quality of dried, smoked or salted meat, you can cook it yourself. It is enough to have a piece of meat, to conserve it without cutting parts.
All products can be processed in a container for cooking steam - meat, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables and wheat. Steam is used to prepare delicious meals and desserts.
If you have over-salted a soup or another dish, you can easily fix this culinary blunder. When you over-salt soup, add some noodles or vegetables, and they will bear the excess salt.