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Cooking Tips & TricksWhat Goes Well with Fish?
01 May
Paolina Syarova
Cooking Tips & TricksSpices that make Potatoes Irresistible
01 May
Paolina Syarova
Cooking Tips & TricksHow to Clean and Roast Hazelnuts?
01 May
Paolina Syarova
What is Sorghum, and What to Cook with itSorghum is a rich in protein grain with texture similar to millet. In Africa and Asia, people use it in dishes such as porridge and bread.
01 May
Is Hominy Useful and How to Cook it?Hominy helps to remove toxins from the body and contains two essential amino acids. For preparation of hominy is needed a pot with thick walls and bottom.
30 Apr.
How to Store Sausages and Other AppetizersSausage can be stored over 4-5 months if the conditions for storage. The dried meat dishes are to be kept in a room with a minimum amount of moisture.
30 Apr.
Methods for Smoking MeatsSmoked meats are used since ancient times to last longer. Moreover, this gives them a specific taste and aroma. There are several types of smoking.
29 Apr.
Unique Tips for Using SaltAdd a pinch of salt when beating egg whites or cream to achieve faster and greater results. Add salt to boiling water. Check out if you have fresh eggs.
29 Apr.
Things in the Kitchen for Throwing AwayIn your kitchen there are many things that contain bacteria. It is good to know how long before a particular product or subject of the kitchen should be discarded.
24 Apr.
Tips for Cooking PoultryPoultry contains more complete protein than the meat of domestic animals. When you buy frozen chicken or other bird meat, thaw slowly at temperatures no higher than 18 degrees.
23 Apr.
Longevity of Frozen MeatFrozen meat can be used for longer, but it should be borne in mind that even in the freezer, it has a shelf life that should not be overlooked.
23 Apr.
How to Roast a GooseTo make roast goose tasty and tender, it must first be well-prepared. This is not difficult, but requires time - two days, which means you need to buy it a few days before serving.
23 Apr.
Perfect Seasoning for Any MeatMeat dishes can be varied not only in different ways of preparing, but also by changing the spices that are added to it. Different types of meat require different spices to be even more delicious and aromatic.
21 Apr.
Preservation of Uncut MeatTo ensure the quality of dried, smoked or salted meat, you can cook it yourself. It is enough to have a piece of meat, to conserve it without cutting parts.
21 Apr.
Fruit and Dairy DrinksFruit shakes are prepared from fresh milk or yogurt with additives like cream, sour cream and various fruits.
21 Apr.
Tips for Cooking with SteamAll products can be processed in a container for cooking steam - meat, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables and wheat. Steam is used to prepare delicious meals and desserts.
17 Apr.
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