The regular consumption of apples can increase our life expectancy by an entire 17 years. If you eat this fruit regularly, you may also visibly rejuvenate.
Yoghurt - helps fortify the immune system, plus it provides calcium, vitamins and proteins for our body. All of these maintain healthy bones and help for a better functioning metabolism.
What's expected is the use of pink garlic's active ingredients with their expressed antifungal properties in polymers of packaging in the food industry. That way the shelf life of food will increase significantly.
A recent study gives us another reason to stop consuming sodas or at least limit them. According to the study, the daily intake of sodas that contain too much sugar speeds up the process of aging exactly as much as smoking cigarettes does.
There's no need to give up carbohydrates to control your weight. You just need to make sound decisions. The best carb-rich foods that increase the chances of getting pregnant are brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread.
In most cases, people who have an expressed latex allergic reaction are most affected. The proteins found in avocados can trigger an immune system reaction similar to that triggered by the proteins found in latex.
The 3 healthiest teas in the world are derived from the plant Camellia sinensis. These are black, white and green tea. The difference comes from the time of harvest and the fermentation that the leaves are subjected to.
Japanese persimmon is also called a holy fruit. This label is not at all coincidental. Unjustifiably unpopular according to some, it is yet another genuine vitamin bomb.
Besides their nutritional value, yams are also prized for their other beneficial properties. They contain vitamins A, B6 and C, as well as a little bit of vitamin B9.
Eating leeks aids digestion, is good for the heart and has a cleansing effect on the body. Leeks possess purifying, disinfectant, diuretic, detoxifying effects, they rejuvenate the skin and stimulate vitality.