Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
Five Reasons to Eat More CarrotsFive Reasons to Eat More Carrots
05 Oct.
Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein are the antioxidants contained in carrots which fight cholesterol, maintaining its levels within the healthy norm.
Eat Only Overripe Bananas with Dark Spots on the Peel!Eat Only Overripe Bananas with Dark Spots on the Peel!
25 Sept.
A new study by Japanese scientists has found yet another benefit of bananas. They claim that the darker and more covered in spots the peel of our favorite fruit is, the more effective it is in eliminating cancer cells.
Beer Makes Bones StrongerBeer Makes Bones Stronger
24 Sept.
The malt elixir is extraordinarily rich in phytoestrogens, which help maintain bone health and are capable of keeping them stronger for a longer period of time.
How to Distinguish Good Carbohydrates from Bad OnesHow to Distinguish Good Carbohydrates from Bad Ones
17 Sept.
Many women try to, erroneously, exclude carbohydrates from their daily menu. The truth is that each and every human body needs carbohydrates to obtain energy, while lack of them will lead you to gorging on the 1st thing you can get your hands on.
If you're not Eating Pears you're Depriving yourself of Good HealthIf you're not Eating Pears you're Depriving yourself of Good Health
16 Sept.
For diabetics - pears have a low glycemic index (GI) - just 38. Furthermore, pears are one of the fruits that can improve blood sugar levels, help a person lose weight and improve concentration.
If you're Gorging on Meat, you're Ruining your EyesightIf you're Gorging on Meat, you're Ruining your Eyesight
15 Sept.
Melbourne researchers discovered that those who ate red meat 10 or more times a week had a 50 percent higher risk of macular degeneration than those who ate meat 4 or fewer times a week.
The Wonderful Benefits of SoursopThe Wonderful Benefits of Soursop
12 Sept.
In the regions where soursop is well known, it has been used to treat numerous diseases for centuries - the exotic fruit can even treat coughs and runny nose.
Pears - the New SuperfoodPears - the New Superfood
09 Sept.
The juice from pears has been used for millennia in Chinese medicine. It's recommended for lung diseases since it helps decrease the amount of phlegm and soothes the throat.
The Unbelievable Benefits of Blueberry JuiceThe Unbelievable Benefits of Blueberry Juice
03 Sept.
Blueberry juice has the unique ability to locate the bacteria in the urinary tract responsible for the inflammatory processes and change their thermodynamic properties.
Foods That Shouldn't be Eaten TogetherFoods That Shouldn't be Eaten Together
02 Sept.
Alcohol with diet Coke. The sugar in Coke is quickly absorbed by the intestines, which also leads to the faster absorption of the alcohol you're drinking with your Coke.