Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
If crumbled and added to cream soups, Stilton cheese transforms them into exquisite culinary masterpieces. Stilton provides a spicier taste to cream of broccoli soup and converts plain old cream of potato soup into a gourmet specialty.
Pears contain iodine, making them especially suitable for people who live in areas with iodine deficiency. Pears can meet the minimum requirement of this micronutrient for a person, which is needed for the thyroid gland and is linked with human intellect.
Most working people are in a rush when they cook, which often leads to them making great blunders. A study done by foodpanda reveals the most commonly made mistakes during cooking and has arranged them in a list.
To boil your lobsters well, put them in a pot of boiling water. Drop them in with their head first. The water needs to come to a boil once again, lower the heat and cover the pot with a lid.
When ground, poppy seeds are used as spicy seasonings. They are used as stuffing in salty and sweet bakery goods. Poppy seeds are added to scones, pastries, rolls, pastas; they can be added directly to the dough, sprinkled on top or used as a filling.
There are a few rules, which if followed, will help to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients in your vegetables. The first condition is for your vegetables to be fresh and not wilted.
If you are a new chef, you have yet to accumulate knowledge and culinary skills. There are 5 spices capable of transforming even the most plain dish into a delight for the palate.
In cooking, all parts of nasturtium are used except the roots. The unripe seeds and flowers are spicy and are used for flavoring certain types of vinegar. The young leaves are used to season salads.
Pasta and potatoes can be boiled at night or early in the morning. The other option is to use frozen potatoes, that you've set out to thaw the night before, for the salad.
Products prepared on the grill always end up more delicious than when fried or roasted. But in order to attain the perfect taste, there are a few tricks which most cooks know which will make your grilled meat and vegetables even more delicious.
Have you ever happened to like a recipe, but after a sigh of grief ended up ignoring it, because you saw that there were ingredients which are hard to find or too expensive?