There is hardly a person who does not love the smell of a linden tree in spring or a cup of linden tea in winter?
Do you know what linden tea is good for? We will try to answer these questions in the following paragraphs.
Usually, there are about 400 varieties of linden. It is very common in those parts of Europe, North America and Asia which are moderately continental. The Indians who lived in America during the Middle Ages knew about the beneficial properties of this miraculous herb.
They used linden in various salads, stews, soups and even in wine. They also made special creams and perfumes that had the scent of linden. Linden contains many vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, tannins and essential oils.
Benefits of linden tea for our health
1. It has a calming effect - linden tea is an ideal choice to end a busy and tiring day. The ingredients contained in it help a lot with insomnia and irritability. You can add a spoonful of honey to linden tea and just enjoy the good taste. Linden tea is also very suitable for children who have hyperactivity and are very emotional. However, one should not drink more than three glasses of linden tea per day;
2. Linden tea helps the digestive system - in most cases when we are nervous, it affects our digestive system. If you have a stomachache caused by worry, make some linden tea. It is so beneficial, that it will relieve those pains. Linden tea is also known for its digestive properties, which in turn means it can help increase appetite;

3. Linden tea has a detoxifying effect - helps a lot with bile problems by relieving them, but does not help with gallstones. Linden tea has the power to increase the flow of bile and stimulate the liver. For this purpose, however, you must make tea from a small piece of the tree. Linden tea increases urine synthesis, which helps to purify the blood. It very successfully helps against urinary tract infections. Linden tea also helps against cellulite, because it removes substances that retain water from the body and give the skin its orange appearance;
4. Normalizes and helps the heart work well - when a person drinks linden tea, it helps you feel more energetic and it's a very good way to keep your heart healthy. Linden tea helps to lower heart palpitations caused by anxiety and arrhythmia. It reduces the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, helps to relieve the tension on the walls of blood vessels. Linden tea helps prevent plaque build-up in artery walls. This helps the walls of the blood vessels to be more elastic and this promotes blood flow;
5. Helps treat cold and flu by relieving their symptoms- If you can't stop coughing and sneezing, then it means that you most likely have a cold. The moment you feel a chill, drink a cup of linden tea. This will relieve sore throat and coughs, because linden tea has an expectorant effect. Among other things, chamomile tea helps reduce the sensation of nasal congestion. It helps the body to sweat and expel harmful toxins from the body;
More benefits of linden tea

As you inhale the steam from the tea, as if you were doing an inhalaion procedure, it will help clear your airways and also help open up your pores and clear away impurities. It helps a lot with dry skin and sunburns. Chamomile tea has a soothing effect on irritated skin, it is also used for puffy eyelids, but it should be warm, not hot. It helps a lot with morning sickness and seasickness. It can also help relieve painful menstruation. It also has an antifungal effect.
Side effects of consuming linden tea
Linden tea should not be consumed in large quantities. 3 cups of tea a day is more than enough. If you drink more than the specified amount, it may cause heart problems. This can also increase frequent trips to the toilet, especially if you are taking diuretics, which will dehydrate the body.