We do not need to prove the need for water for the human body, nor do we need to be convinced of the positive effect it has on us. These are truths of which everyone is convinced. Yet many people replace the need for water with other fluids. Let's recall some of the important reasons to drink more water when we want to quench our thirst.
1. Water is a necessity - our body consists of 70 percent water and in the brain it is almost 90 percent. Drinking water gives our organs and tissues what they need to function normally.
2. Maintains our healthy weight - water is a valuable helper for those who want to lose weight. It creates a feeling of satiety and prevents us from ingesting excessive amounts of food. There are no calories in water, it is easily removed from the body and this way the weight is regulated.
3. The cleansing power of water - there is no other liquid that removes toxins from the body as efficiently as water. It removes them through the urine, by simultaneously cleansing the kidneys.
4. We owe it to water to improve energy levels - drinking a lot of water keeps us energized, keeps us from feeling down and this is something that everyone has tested with experience. Water doesn't contain caffeine or sugars, so there's no sudden rush of energy followed by a crash like there is with energy drinks.
5. Improves the appearance of the skin - drinking water improves the complexion and protects against acne. It is said to make wrinkles appear, or at least keep the skin fresh.
6. Supports digestion - a dehydrated body does not allow the digestive system to function normally. This leads to swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Water is beneficial, because it stimulates digestion and restores comfort.

7. Strengthens the immune system - water repels viruses. In addition, a person recovers faster from colds and flu with the help of water.
8. Improves concentration - a dehydrated person is disoriented. If there is a problem with focusing, it is best to grab for the glass of water.
9. Relieves pain of any kind - in case of arthritis, headache and any chronic pain it is good to consume more water which will quench these conditions.
10. The most budget drink - water is almost free compared to other liquids. Clear cold water on hot days is the cheapest means of thirst quenching.