The avocado is a fruit rich in monounsaturated fats. The human body easily processes them into energy, helps absorb fats from other foods. Add avocado to salads and soups. This way, your body will have protection against the harmful influence of free radicals. Just two fruit are enough to provide the necessary amount of potassium in the body.
Potassium is an electrolyte and mineral that is a conductor of electricity in the body. It plays an important role in cardiovascular activity, digestion and muscle function of all cells and organs. As a rule, we only eat the fleshy part of the fruit, but few people know that the stone is gold.
With its use, the risk of tumors is reduced, it deals with cholesterol and fats. Just take a stone from the fruit and grind it into powder. Add it into a glass of yogurt or to a salad. The dose for the day is 1/4 teaspoon and should not be exceeded, because the stone contains a tannin, which is useful in very small doses. Therefore, do not overuse this medicinal powder.
In its dark green part avocado is rich in carotenoids and they help fight the most insidious disease - cancer. It contains as many as 11 carotenoids, which protect against certain types of cancer, heart disease and macular degeneration.

The fruit is peeled like a banana, cut into two halves and then through the middle into two more. The stone of the avocado is preserved, you already know why. Avocado is very filling, if you eat half a fruit with your lunch, you won't be hungry after 3 hours. It also regulates blood sugar levels, so it is suitable for people with diabetes.
Avocado can also be used as a fat substitute in cooking. Add avocado oil to soups, smoothies, shakes and salads. An ideal breakfast is with a soft-boiled egg. Instead of feeding your baby processed foods, avocados can be your little one's first food. Last but not least is the high magnesium content in the fruit.
Contains 40 ml of magnesium, which is 10% of the recommended daily intake for the heart, kidneys and muscles. Do not forget this useful and healing fruit and often use it in your kitchen.
Check this out: are you eating avocados correctly and how to store avocados.