Natural oils with various properties are extracted from the plants and used both internally and externally. They find a place in our daily life both as a food product and as care for the health and beauty of the skin, hair, nails.
Each natural vegetable oil has precisely defined qualities, but among the most wide-ranging in terms of action we can point to avocado oil. It has all the valuable properties of the fruit from which it is extracted and we can find it everywhere in everyday life - from food to hygiene products and medicine.
What should we know about avocado oil, which of its uses should we include in our lives, what should we be aware of when using avocado oil? How is this oil made and can we make it ourselves at home?
Obtaining avocado oil
Avocado oil is obtained by cold pressing and is an unrefined product of avocado pomace and refined oil that has undergone heat treatment.
Cold-pressed avocado oil is most useful for food. Since it is not heated, it preserves all the properties of the fruit with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Refined oil is subjected to high temperatures during its processing. It has a lighter smell, but it has lost half of its useful properties. It is mainly used for external application - for cosmetic masks and treatment of damaged skin.
Homemade Avocado Oil
It is possible to obtain this oil at home. It requires only two products - an avocado fruit and natural coconut milk.
Preparation of avocado oil - 1 kilogram of fruit is washed, peeled and cut, by carefully removing the flesh from the pulp and the seed is also removed. The fruit is cut and grinded in a blender. Mix with half a liter of coconut milk and stir, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
The mixture is boiled in a thick-walled saucepan over low heat, until the moisture completely evaporates, by stirring constantly. After it is ready, the mixture is cooled, strained through cheesecloth and the oily liquid is poured into a glass container and kept in the refrigerator.
Composition of avocado oil
This product has incredibly many beneficial properties due to its amazing chemical composition. The content of useful substances is good to know in order to get an idea of what possibilities are involved. It contains:
- Vitamins A and E, as well as those of group B, also vitamin D and ascorbic acid, K, F, PP;
- Minerals - potassium, calcium, iodine, zinc, cobalt, copper, iron;
- Essential oils;
- Antioxidants, including the very valuable squalene;
- Highly digestible fats;
- Phytohormones;
- Chlorophyll;
- Contains 100 percent fat as a nutritional value;
- 885 kilocalories per 100 milliliters of oil.
Benefits of avocado oil

This product has a beneficial effect on the human body not only externally, but also internally. Here are some of its benefits:
- Promotes wound healing. The antioxidant squalene has antimicrobial and antifungal effects, can also lower blood cholesterol levels and has a beneficial effect on the hormonal system. Squalene supports immunity, destroys free radicals and reduces the effect of radiation. The oil supports the synthesis of vitamin D and the good absorption of keratin;
- Its positive influence extends to the endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems. It is useful for inflammation of the urinary tract, gastritis and ulcer and for irritation of the esophagus and throat;
- The lecithin contained in it helps to strengthen nerve, brain and heart activity. It has a beneficial effect on liver diseases, diseases of the pancreas and the reproductive system;
- The anti-inflammatory properties are very useful in the healing of skin wounds and lesions, cuts, dermatitis and others;
- It has a good effect on rheumatic and joint problems, reduces tissue swelling, stops inflammation and improves joint mobility;
- It is suitable for diseases of the gall bladder and also as a purgative for constipation, for weight loss and normalizing the work of the intestines;
- Helps with gum disease with its anti-inflammatory properties. Suppresses infections, treats periodontitis and eliminates bad breath;
- Monounsaturated fats and fatty acids are a basic building block of cells. If they function well, the skin looks young, fresh, taut and elastic. Avocado oil contains these fats and gives them to the skin;
- It also promotes brain health with the help of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, strengthening brain cells and blood supply to the brain. Vitamin E protects against Alzheimer's disease and can stop the initial symptoms, as well as eliminate them completely.
Use of avocado oil

Areas in which it can be used are food, health care and beauty, but cosmetology offers the most possibilities for using this oil.
Culinary applications of avocado oil
Culinary applications of avocado oil are numerous. It is most commonly found in the Spanish cuisine, Mediterranean countries and in Latin America.
It is mainly used in salad dressings where vegetables and saltwater fish partner with seafood and meat. Avocado oil is a suitable addition to any vegetable dish. With meat, it helps the body absorb it and to digest it well.
This oil is suitable for frying as it has a high boiling point. Unrefined oil is not carcinogenic when frying any food. With long heating, some of the useful properties disappear and some undesirable compounds may be obtained, but short-term heating to high temperatures is completely acceptable from a health point of view.
Avocado oil in cosmetology
Avocado oil demonstrates excellent qualities in the care of the epidermis of the whole body and hair. It smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, stops hair loss, evens skin tone and helps treat acne.
It has a healing and strengthening effect on weak hair. It nourishes the scalp in depth, activates metabolic processes in the tissues, awakens sleeping follicles and supports hair growth.
With it, eyelashes become longer, thicker and more expressive. Applied to the eyebrows, this product makes them thicker, softer and fills in the hairs that have fallen out in them.
The restorative properties of avocado oil are suitable for the nail plate, which strengthens it and softens the skins around it. The condition of the skin and nails improves visibly with regular use.
Contraindications for the use and storage of avocado oil
Avocado oil has its contraindications like any other similar product. It should not be used in case of:
- Individual intolerance and allergic reactions;
- Chronic problems with the kidneys and bile, because it can move existing stones in the organs;
- Pancreatitis - it can increase the complaints.
Avocado oil should not be used after its expiration date, which is 18 months after opening the bottle. Storage should be in a glass container. Already opened, the oil is kept only in the refrigerator, as it quickly loses its properties at a warmer temperature. In sealed condition, it can be stored at room temperature around 18°C without exposure to direct sunlight.