We know that our planet would not exist without water, just as we know that the human body is made up of over 60% water. The aridity of the earth as well as our body dehydration will mean nothing but their destruction.
At the same time, you must be tired of constantly being told that you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, even if you are not thirsty. Who could estimate how much water you need per day, tell you that you should only drink mineral water or vice versa.
This is the idea of the following article - to solve the question of how much and what kind of water we should drink in order to be sufficiently hydrated and healthy.
How much water should we drink
The rule of drinking at least 2 liters of water a day or 8 glasses of water a day dates back to the last century, or in other words, it is an outdated concept. Scientists dealing with the question of how much water a person needs on a daily basis have not taken into account the fact that we also take in water through our food (in many green salads the amount of water is over 90% and in cucumbers it is over 95%), nor that weight, height, age and other individual factors matter, let alone whether you are active in sports or sit in a chair in the office all day.
Today, although the debate about the exact amount of water we should be taking in continues, it is generally accepted that for every kilogram of body weight we need about 30 ml of water, or for a person who weighs 50 kg, the required amount of water per day is 1.5 L.
Again, this is not some definitive formula, because as we said, we also take in water through food. If we do active sports, we will need more water, which also applies if the weather is hot and as a result of sweating, our body becomes dehydrated.
Which is the most healthy water for us

Now it's time to talk about the arguments about which water is the most healthy for us. Whether it's tap, mineral, boiled, distilled, rain, etc.
If you live in areas where tap water is safe to drink, then it is best to go for it, because too much of mineral water should not be intaken. Mainly because of the sodium it contains.
You can boil the tap water or you can trust the table water. Regarding the intake of rainwater, which was recommended by folk healers back in the day, we do not advise you to practice it in the least, because of the huge amount of acid rain that falls on our planet.
It may seem a little excessive, but it has been proven that those people (albeit a small number) who have replaced absolutely all other liquids with water, enjoy much better health than the rest.
Yes, it would be hard to imagine without a cold beer in summer or a glass of red wine in front of the fireplace in winter. We're not arguing at all! It would be even harder to imagine life without your favorite carbonated drinks, freshly squeezed juices or smoothies.
But we would certainly recommend that you stick to a water-only day once a week. That way you will not only hydrate your body, but also detoxify it.