The most popular and the tastiest drinks consumed by humans are fruit juices. They are extremely useful and filling. Today we will pay special attention to an extremely tasty and healthy fruit - mango.
It is very fresh and produces a wonderful juice. We can buy mango juice in stores, but we can also prepare it ourselves, which is definitely the better option, not only because we will know 100% what is inside, but also we are sure about its nutritional value.
Moreover, it is very simple. When choosing a mango, make sure the fruit is ripe. It's very easy, just smell the fruit. If the fruit does not smell at all, then it is green and not ripe.
If the smell of fermentation is clearly sensed, then the fruit is already overripe. If the mango has a pleasant fruity aroma, it means that it is well-ripened and perfect for consumption.
Recipe for homemade mango juice
To prepare mango juice we will need:
1 kg of mango
500 ml of water
200 g of sugar
Wash and peel the mango. Cut it into small pieces, remove the stone and grind in a blender. Sugar and water are added to it and boiled over low heat until the sugar dissolves. While still hot, the juice is poured into glass bottles and sealed. The finished sealed homemade mango juice is stored in a cool and dark place.
Why drink mango juice?

Mangos contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Studies show that the antioxidant compounds in the fruit protect against colon cancer, leukemia and prostate cancer. Mango also lowers cholesterol.
High levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help lower serum cholesterol levels, especially bad cholesterol. Mango improves eye health. A glass of mango juice is good because it provides you with 25% of the required daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good vision and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.
Mango is healthy because it is also a great source of vitamin E. So, if you have not yet included mango juice in your diet, now is the time to do so. You will simultaneously enjoy its great taste and be healthy.
To take advantage of all these properties of the juicy fruit, prepare from it not only mango drinks, but also mango jam, mango lemonade and mango pancakes.