»Articles»Useful Advice»Birch Tea - Why Should We Drink it?

Birch Tea - Why Should We Drink it?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Birch Tea - Why Should We Drink it?

A morning cup of tea usually contains well-known herbs for general body toning, but it does not include birch leaves, although white birch has been used as food and medicine since ancient times.

Usually dried birch leaf tea is taken for certain health conditions. This aromatic drink has healing properties due to the presence of many vitamins and trace elements in the composition.

Besides being safer to use than birch buds, the leaves of the tree boiled in water impart diuretic properties to the tea. It is mostly prepared in the spring, when the tree has grown well and is green enough. After collection, the leaves are dried and stored in cloth bags for up to 2 years.

Composition of birch tea

The list of nutrients that birch tea contains is respectable and it is these ingredients that are responsible for the medicinal properties of birch tea.

essential oils

- phytoncides;

- flavonoids;

- many minerals;

- carotene;

- pectin;

- saponides;

- nicotinic acid;

- vitamin C;

- tannins.

Benefits of birch tea

Birch Tea

The drink has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect and supports the rapid healing of wounds. In addition, the tea purifies the blood of toxins and strengthens immunity.

The diseases in which it is good to bet on birch leaf tea are many - on the reproductive organs, on the urinary tract, with headaches, edema, diseases of the stomach and intestines, skin problems, bronchitis, sore throat and laryngitis, as well as diseases of the oral cavity.

The tea is also useful for worms, but it is an allergen and should be used with caution.

However, many doctors prescribe this tea, so that the kidneys can easily get rid of grit or stones and the tea works along with the medicines.

Birch leaf tea should be brewed for about 20-30 minutes to reveal all its beneficial properties. It can be stored in a thermos and diluted with warm water if it is too strong. It is good to drink it 3-4 times a day after eating or along with food. Honey, ginger, lemon and other spices may be added.

Contraindications of birch tea

There are no significant contraindications for the use of birch tea, but pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age and those prone to allergies should still be careful. As well as people with kidney disease, because tea is a diuretic.
