»Articles»Curiosities»History of Marzipan

History of Marzipan

Plamena M.Plamena M.
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
History of Marzipan

In our country, marzipan is not recognized as a quality dessert. The reason for this is the time of communism, when products with a hard cocoa mass similar to chocolate, but of a rather low quality, were sold under the name marzipan.

However, the truth about this fine dessert is far from the cocoa temptation - there is nothing in common between chocolate and marzipan. They differ both in composition and in production technology. And since January 12th has been designated as marzipan day in the calendar, it is appropriate to talk a little more about this unique confectionery creation.

The roots of marzipan production can be traced back centuries. In its classic form, this dessert is composed of sugar or honey and grinded almonds.

The technology is the following: the nuts are crushed until a fine paste is obtained. Sugar or honey is added to them. The more they are, the better the final product. The usual formula is 50% almonds and 50% sugar.

The origin of marzipan, like that of many other great culinary delights, is debated to this day. The most common version claims that it came from Asia. It was there that the idea arose to combine the sweetness of sugar and the aristocratic taste of almond.

Marzipan Cake

According to others, the roots of marzipan are somewhere in Italy, Germany or Hungary. The proof is that even today the most delicious marzipan is produced in Lübeck (Northern Germany) and Konigsberg (historical capital of Prussia).

Marzipan has versatile uses. It serves as a filling for various pastries, classic cakes are covered with the almond paste, and some Christmas stollen recipes also contain marzipan.

On New Year's Day, a public holiday in many countries, traditional sweets are animals made from the sweet paste. In Germany, the tradition is to give marzipan pigs, called Glücksschwein or the Happy Pig, for the New Year.

In other countries, marzipan products are mainly eaten at Christmas. For example, children in Norway enjoy marzipan pigs on Christmas Eve and eggs made from the sweet product on Easter.

In Italy, marzipan is traditionally eaten around Christmas and St. John's Day. In Sicily, there are even special dates set aside for eating the almond paste - May 9th and 10th.

And if you're already in the mood to prepare something unique with the almond sweetness, then check out our delicious marzipan dessert suggestions.



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