Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
If you want to make a salad with the ever-more popular avocado, know that you'll get an excellent taste if you combine it with onions, bacon and walnuts.
Snake meat has been proven to have a positive effect on potency, vision and blood circulation. Consumption of it helps against high blood pressure, while Asian cultures believe that snake meat helps keep you young and improves skin health.
First, pour a little water into a bowl, then fill it with ice. Add 1-2 tsp of salt and stir. Then place your beverage in the bowl. Stir again after 1 min. , and when 2 min. pass, check to see if the beverage is indeed cold.
Remove the hard part of the spices' stems, break the rest into small branches. Lay out a napkin along the bottom of a shallow plate and place a cup of cold water in the middle. Arrange the spices all around it.
Besides having dinner with the TV on, every time we sit down to watch a movie or show we always have something to snack on in our hand - popcorn, sunflower seeds, chips and a ton of other unhealthy things.
Vegetables and spices that complement each other perfectly: Eggplants - oregano, parsley; Beetroots - dill, parsley; Don't hesitate to use spices to make your vegetable and meat dishes more delicious.
Eggs don't crack when boiled in salted water. Sauces made from flour become smooth when diluted with some salted water. The aroma of coffee improves and strengthens when several grains of salt are added to it.
To prevent oil from spraying you during frying you can add several beans to the pan. You can use this trick for frying other foods as well. To prepare aromatic and delicious fish soup, you have to make it from several types of fish.
Mangold differs from beetroots in that it doesn't form tubers during the 1st year but a leafy rosette instead. Its leaves are coarse, curly and fleshy.
Sichuan pepper is quite a well-known spice, hailing from the East. The name itself comes from the Sichuan province of China, which is considered the birthplace of the spice.
Cyclanthera pedata is a herbaceous vine, belonging to the gourd family. It's native to Central and South America. Its fruits are long, hollow, with soft walls, sprouting from the axils of the leaves.
Mini basil - An annual plant, reaching up to 8″ (20 cm) high. It is absolutely adorable and suitable for growing in a pot. There's an old legend about basil - that a bunch of it in one's pocket brings them money and loyalty.