Cooking Tips & Tricks

Cooking Tips

Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
Never Cook Bacon Like This!Never Cook Bacon Like This!
08 Mar.
When cooking, the material which the container is made of is of the utmost importance. Aluminum cookware is much thinner and reaches optimal temperature almost right away which causes the bacon to burn unpleasantly.
What are the Milk Substitutes?What are the Milk Substitutes?
23 Feb.
The taste of a dish made with coconut milk is much richer and pleasant and does not leave a heavy bloated feeling, as with milk from animal origin.
The Secret to Delicious ShrimpThe Secret to Delicious Shrimp
17 Feb.
The preferred method of heat treatment of shrimp is boiling. Put them in boiling salted water and boil until they get their characteristic pink color.
How to Cook with Wheat GlutenHow to Cook with Wheat Gluten
19 Jan.
Wheat gluten is a product made of wheat protein. The starch is washed away from the dough made of wheat flour and water, leaving just the protein. This protein is also simply called gluten.
How to Make a Cake GlazeHow to Make a Cake Glaze
18 Jan.
A glaze is used to cover the top of some cakes, to make them look more appetizing. A glaze needs to be applied with a brush and then dried in a 140°F (60 °C) oven.
What are the Main Mistakes you Make While Cooking?What are the Main Mistakes you Make While Cooking?
30 Nov.
You're not going to braise the onions to a golden color if you put them with the oil directly into the cold pan. First, put it on the stove to heat up a little, then warm up the oil a little and only then add the onions.
Tried and Tested Methods for Unsalting an Oversalted DishTried and Tested Methods for Unsalting an Oversalted Dish
20 Nov.
One way to unsalt a dish is to use potatoes. If you find that your soup or dish is way too salty, peel 2-3 potatoes, wash them well and add them whole to the dish.
How to Dry GrapesHow to Dry Grapes
06 Nov.
There are several methods for grape drying. The oldest known way is to leave the grapes out in the sun. This method does not require any type of complex preparation for the grapes ahead of time.
The 5 Spanish Cheeses you Need to TryThe 5 Spanish Cheeses you Need to Try
04 Nov.
Arzúa-Ulloa - this pale yellow cheese hails from northwestern Spain - the region of Galicia. Arzúa-Ulloa is soft and creamy. It's made from raw or pasteurized cow's milk which needs to mature at least 6 days.
How to Cook Tender RabbitHow to Cook Tender Rabbit
13 Oct.
The best way to cook a whole rabbit is to cover it with slices of bacon. The bacon will not only prevent the rabbit from drying out, it will infuse the rabbit meat with its flavor and make it very tender at the same time.
Invaluable Tips for Freezing Broccoli and CauliflowerInvaluable Tips for Freezing Broccoli and Cauliflower
01 Oct.
Whenever buying cauliflower or broccoli, always pick out quality products, even if they're a bit more expensive. Before freezing cauliflower or broccoli, be sure to blanch them beforehand, so that their color, consistency and taste are preserved.
How to Make Pork RindsHow to Make Pork Rinds
28 Sept.
Pork rinds are incredibly scrumptious, made from the fresh fat right under the skin, as well as from the inner fat of the pig, well cleaned of any meat and washed thoroughly.
How to Dry PeppersHow to Dry Peppers
16 Sept.
Drying peppers is a fundamental part of any traditional cooking culture. Surviving records dating back to the 17th century tell how doctors prescribed their patients peppers in the form of powder.