Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
We need to quickly clarify - this is not a rice that contains gluten! The name of this variety of rice comes from the Latin word glūtinōsus, which means sticky.
Boiled corn is among the delicacies that we are happy to prepare in the summer. With the trick that you can read here, you will cook corn in just 8 minutes and you won't have to wait to enjoy its taste
Do not think that it is impossible to cook fluffy white rice, the grains of which are separated from each other without looking like porridge. It is possible if you know a few culinary secrets.
Rice is one of the most popular and favorite side dishes. Tips for cooking long grain rice. Proper cooking of long grain rice is not a science, but an easy process.
Pearl rice sounds kind of regal. But what is it? This variety of rice is very common. Years ago, it could be said that this was the only rice that could be found in stores.