Cooking Tips & Tricks

Cooking Tips

Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
How to Preserve Pumpkin?How to Preserve Pumpkin?
12 Nov.
If you don't have enough space to store pumpkin, you have to preserve it. Here are some ways to preserve pumpkin, so you can enjoy its sweetness all year-round.
How to Freeze Pumpkin?How to Freeze Pumpkin?
10 Nov.
When we cut a pumpkin very often we don't need all of it and part of it stays in the fridge, until it goes bad and we throw it away, so it would be more appropriate to just freeze it. Here's how to do it.
How to Caramelize Vegetables?How to Caramelize Vegetables?
26 Oct.
Caramelizing is a cooking term popular with those who like to spend time in the kitchen. See how to make caramelized vegetables.
Basic Soy Products and What they are Used forBasic Soy Products and What they are Used for
25 Oct.
The benefits of soy for the body are many. A sensible diet must necessarily include regular intake of soy or soy products.
How to Clean Enamelware?How to Clean Enamelware?
19 Oct.
To keep the enamelware clean and shiny on the inside, follow these tips. What should not be used to clean enamelware?
Why and How to Freeze ApplesWhy and How to Freeze Apples
19 Oct.
You have probably read or know from experience several ways to store fresh apples longer for the winter, but few people know that apples can be frozen. We will explain how you can freeze apples
How to Properly Flavor A SaladHow to Properly Flavor A Salad
18 Oct.
Improperly flavoring salads with heavy and unhealthy dressings poses a risk to your stomach and health. Therefore, be careful what sauces you buy from the stores or, in the best case, prepare them yourself.
How to Cook Dried Porcini MushroomsHow to Cook Dried Porcini Mushrooms
17 Oct.
It is no coincidence that the porcini mushroom itself is considered the queen of mushrooms. In its dried state, the porcini mushroom can be boiled, marinated, fried or frozen.
How are Porcini Mushrooms Preserved?How are Porcini Mushrooms Preserved?
17 Oct.
If there is an abundance of mushrooms, they can be preserved for the winter. From canned porcini mushrooms you can make excellent winter salads and not only.
How To Know Whether An Avocado Is Good and How To Store ItHow To Know Whether An Avocado Is Good and How To Store It
16 Oct.
Avocados are rich in monounsaturated acids, which help you fight fat in the torso, which in are a risk factor of cardiovascular disease.
Why is Regular Consumption of Salmon Beneficial?Why is Regular Consumption of Salmon Beneficial?
11 Oct.
Salmon is one of the most popular fish in the culinary world, because it has tender and sweet flesh. Read more about the health benefits that salmon provides.
What is Apple Flour?What is Apple Flour?
10 Oct.
It sounds almost unbelievable, that a fruit like an apple can be made into flour, but it is a fact on store shelves all over store chains. What is apple flour?
How Are Frozen Porcini Mushrooms Prepared?How Are Frozen Porcini Mushrooms Prepared?
10 Oct.
Frozen porcini mushrooms are extremely easy to prepare. To begin with, the mushrooms should be defrosted before use. See more: