Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
To prepare half a liter of milk, you only need one liter of water, 125 grams of rice and 1 stick of vanilla or cinnamon (your choice). The preparation itself is simple
Ready-made breadings and breadcrumbs are sold in any grocery store, but breadcrumb, which you have prepared with your own hands are much more delicious. Keep the breadcrumbs in a hermetically sealed jar.
Mulled wine is a great addition to cozy cooler weather. Many people believe that sangria and spritzers are for summer, while mulled and spiced wine is for fall and winter. A quick guide to making mulled wine:
The green beet leaves can be used in cooking processed or fresh in a salad. Properly selected foods are also excellent medicine and this is their great importance. Try these combinations with beetroot leaves.
Today there are many different spices, which you can flavor your dishes with and prepare real culinary delights. Among the wide assortment, you can find not only white or black pepper, but also pink.
There is hardly a person who does not know the benefits of consuming garlic and what useful properties it has. Garlic is a superfood and that's no coincidence. Let's discuss some of the biggest benefits of garlic.
If you have limes in large quantities and you think you won't be able to consume them all in two weeks, then prepare a healthy juice, which you can store in the freezer or refrigerator.
We all know that garlic is very healthy. If you grow garlic and have a good harvest, but you don't know how to store it for the winter, this article is for you. How to dry garlic for the winter?