Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
Basic culinary terms you need to know. Aspic is a fibrous mass obtained from a strong broth with the addition of gelatin. Beefsteak is a thick slice of fillet meat, cut crosswise.
Check out these important facts about food processing that are confirmed by experts. If you cook your food like this, it will most likely become poisonous. What is the correct culinary processing of the products?
Many of us do not like the bitter taste of coffee or are simply tired of drinking it every morning. For this reason, we present to you 9 delicious coffee substitutes, which you can try. Alternatives to coffee
Apple flour can be used in a variety of ways. You can mix it with another type of flour to enrich it or use only the apple flour to make different breads, apple sponge cakes and. . .
The bacon designated for rendering lard is cut into not very large pieces, which are placed in a large container and covered with cold water to soak for 1-2 days.
Soups can have the most diverse composition, but it is an indisputable fact that what gives them their strongest flavor are the roots from which they are prepared.
Homemade jello salads are the best solution for the preparation of any holiday. Jello salads are suitable for decoration and at the same time offer the perfect start to any meal.
Herb butter is wonderful and makes it possible to use it in any dish in which it is possible to add herbs: pastries, pasta, stewed vegetables, mashed potatoes, fish and many others.
The best aquafaba is made from chickpeas. Whether you're vegan or not, this amazing discovery gives you scope for new experiments in the kitchen that can be quite interesting.
In order not to burn the milk, certain tips must be followed when boiling it. The process should be carried out in a pot with a thicker bottom, so that it does not burn.
Cream can be added to a given dish or pastry in a different form. Here you will find out what the difference between regular cream, whipped cream, sour cream and confectionery cream is.