Xanthan gum was first obtained in the United States in the mid-twentieth century. Xanthan gum - benefits, uses and safety. Compatibility of xanthan gum with other additives.
The benefits of monk fruit are not few. The monk fruit itself, from which the natural sweetener is produced, has been used for centuries in Chinese folk medicine. Monk fruit in cooking.
Xylitol is a white crystal powder with an undetectable smell and well expressed sweet taste, similar to that of sugar. As such, xylitol is a sweetener that's growing in popularity as an excellent sugar substitute.
Malic acid is a dibasic organic acid. It is a colorless, hygroscopic crystal substance, which dissolves excellently in water and ethanol. Malic acid belongs to the group of fruit acids because it is found primarily in fruits.
Erythritol is a white crystal sugar alcohol, very similar to crystal sugar, and is used as a substitute for it. Erythritol is also known as food additive E968. Along with xylitol and sorbitol, erythritol is considered a healthy sweetener.
Ammonium carbonate, also known as baker's ammonia or salt of hartshorn, consists of pink, white, grey or colorless crystals, which give off a well-expressed ammonia smell. Ammonium carbonate is obtained synthetically.
Neotame is a non-nutritive artificial sweetener that is between 7000 and 13000 times sweeter than sugar. Neotame is used to sweeten all kinds of foods and drinks, either on its own or in combination with other nutritive or non-nutritive sweeteners.
Isomalt is a sugar substitute. It is considered natural and harmless, suitable for anyone who wants to limit their intake of sugar. Isomalt finds use in confectioneries, soft and hard bonbons, ice cream, chocolate, gums and others.
Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is a compound extracted from citruses and is used as a sweetener. Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone is also used as a food additive known as Е959. It is quickly absorbed by the human body.
Agar-Agar, or simply agar, is a gelling agent - a polysaccharide which is derived from several species of red algae. Agar-agar is an ideal product for gelling.
Sorbitol is a food supplement relating to the stabilizers. Sorbitol, also known in the food industry as E420, is used as an emulsifier, sweetener and retaining agent.