There are all kinds of scales for measuring quantities in all areas of life. Therefore, it's impossible not to have a scale to measure the spiciness of the peppers. Such a way of measuring exists, it is called the Scoville scale. The measurement is for the amount of capsaicin that needs to be diluted to eliminate the burning sensation that occurs when eating hot peppers. The scale starts at 0 for sweet pepper and goes up to 16 million units for pure capsaicin.
According to this scale, the spiciest pepper in the world this year is the Carolina Reaper, although two even spicier than it exist, appropriately named Dragon's Breath and Pepper X. The latter is the spiciest yet found.
Among the wide variety of hot pepper varieties, one of the middle class has won worldwide fame. This is the Jalapeño pepper. From 2, 500 to about 8, 000 units were measured with it. What is it about it that has made it so famous, what are the benefits and uses of this pepper and what other interesting facts can we learn about the spicy food that we regularly go for, despite its fiery taste? It is good to learn the answers to these questions and others that are related to the spicy Mexican temptation - Jalapeño.
What makes chili peppers spicy and why we are drawn to them?
The burning sensation in the mouth that we get after biting into a chili pepper is caused by the chemical compound capsaicinoids. These are odorless substances found in the white interior of the pepper. When consumed, these substances bind to receptors that respond to heat pain in the mouth and throat. The brain receives a message of burning and sends a signal to the body to remove the burning substance. This causes the body to speed up the metabolism. As a result of the body's work to cope with burning, the cooling sweat, lacrimation and runny nose occur when consuming them. Endorphins are released, which are body pain relievers.
People are drawn to the nutritional challenge of chili pepper because of the experience of chili pepper consumption, and nature has made it so because chili peppers are healthy—they reduce the risk of death, of cancer, of heart disease and promote longevity. The more capsaicin, the more spicy they are, but also the more benefits they have. However, this substance is not enough for chili peppers to be healthy. Jalapeño proves it categorically after looking at the composition of this spicy vegetable.
Essence and nutritional composition of Jalapeño peppers

The name Jalapeño refers to a genus of spicy hot peppers. They are small to medium in size. They are green and red in color. Mexico is their homeland, but they are well known in all parts of the world.
Jalapeños are rich in capsaicin, and moderate use of this substance through peppers helps:
- To regulate stomach acids
- To speed up the metabolism
- Adjust the weight
- To destroy cancerous cells in the body
- To reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood
Jalapeño nutrition is impressive. They contain a real wealth of vitamins and minerals, protecting the body from free radicals. Among the useful ingredients are found: vitamins A and C, E, K, B6, flavonoids - beta carotene, lutein, alpha carotene.
Like other vegetables, Jalapeño peppers contain fiber. Just one cup provides 2 percent of your daily fiber needs. Vitamin C plays the role of an antioxidant, and vitamin B6 is involved in over 140 processes in the body.
Beneficial properties of the Jalapeño pepper
The spicy pepper protects the body from joint problems, improves blood circulation, protects against stomach problems, is useful for the lungs, increases tonicity and hence physical activity. There are many other benefits that deserve attention.
Weight loss with peppers
The Capsaicin in Jalapeño, as well as other capsaicinoids, boost metabolism by 4-5 percent per day and thus aid in weight loss. This supplement burns belly fat. It has a low calorie content and therefore the consumption of the spicy temptation does not create a risk of gaining weight.

They successfully fight cancer
Capsaicin is known for its anti-cancer properties. It can kill over 40 types of cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. The successful treatment of cancer is due to its ability to stop their division, slow down the formation of blood vessels around the tumor formation, stop the spread of the tumor to other organs. However, more research is needed in this direction because quantity seems to play a role.
They have an analgesic effect
Capsaicin also has an analgesic effect. This ability is used in the production of creams and patches for external application, mainly for joint pain.
The pain-relieving effect comes from temporarily blocking pain receptors in the area of application. In the beginning, a burning sensation is felt, followed by numbness and removal of pain.
Capsaicin sprays are also manufactured to be sprayed into the nose for migraines. However, it is not clear whether eating jalapeño peppers can have a pain-relieving effect.
Prevention against stomach ulcers
Since stomach ulcer is caused by a factor such as high acidity of the stomach, chili pepper is a prevention because it reduces the acidity of gastric juices.
The capsaicin in the hot pepper helps the body to undo the damage of alcohol and painkillers in excessive doses.
They fight infections
The compounds in the chili pepper are very effective in slowing the growth of bacteria and yeast and thus prevent the multiplication of bacteria and toxins that cause food poisoning.
In addition to food poisoning, capsaicin also stops strep throat infections, bacterial tooth decay, and more.
They support heart health
Capsaicin reduces the effect of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and thus keeps the heart healthy. With the consumption of 5 grams of Jalapeño peppers blood sugar stabilizes and there is no danger of a sudden rise, which has been proven in medicine.

Use of Jalapeño peppers in cooking
The spicy peppers are popular in Mexican cuisine. They can be eaten raw, cooked, smoked, dried into powder. The different treatments did not significantly destroy the capsaicin. They are used in guacamole, chili con carne, tacos, quesadillas and more. They are added to fajitas, cornbread recipes, nachos, salsa and all sorts of goodies.
They can be added to meat dishes, baked goods, cheeses, in cooked, marinated dishes, in spicy sauces. The more capsaicin, the more health benefits, that's the recipe, but there's growing evidence that capsaicin's not-so-spicy compounds are beneficial, too. That's why less spicy peppers like those with the membrane removed are also healthy.
Side Effects of Eating Jalapeño Peppers
Despite Jalapeño's benefits, you should still be careful. They are not suitable for pregnant women, lactating women, patients with gastritis, ulcer and other stomach complaints. The most common side effect when consumed is burning in the mouth. People who have a low tolerance to the effects of hot peppers should remove the white membrane inside the pepper before using it in food. The small red balls, without brown on them, are lighter, and the marks speak of a spicier taste.