»Culinary Collections»How to Pickle Cauliflower and Peppers
How to Make LimoncelloThen pour the lemon juice and leave the liquid to boil for another 5 minutes, then leave it to cool....
How to Grill TurbotTo do this, heat the butter and olive oil and drop the bay leaf and the chili pepper into them. Put the garlic in slices and fry it briefly....
How to Make Homemade Butter
With a large spoon, carefully skim the cream of the milk and the layer below it and put it in the jar....
How to Make Blueberry Jam?
It is poured over the fruit again and left for a few more hours. Repeat, until the syrup aquires the desired thickness....
How to Make Royal Icing?
Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve and transfer it into a bowl. Add the vanilla, egg white and starch to it....
How to Make Pearl Sugar
And the one I have for you is: Add only 1 tsp. of water to 50 g of fine sugar....
How to Make Beef Stroganoff
The beef is cut into thin strips and seasoned with salt and freshly ground black pepper....
Cauliflower and Cabbage Pickle
Chop the cabbages coarsely and rub them lightly with a little salt, tear the cauliflower into rosettes....
Cauliflower and Carrot Pickle
Pour in vinegar to cover the bottom, add salt and sugar and top off with water to the rim.
Close with caps and leave them to pickle....
Cauliflower and Gherkin Pickle
Wash the mushrooms, cut off the stems of the gherkins and tear the cauliflower into rosettes....
How To Make Ghee (Clarified Butter)
I poured 1.1 lb (500 g) of butter into the bowl and set Manual to {120°C}. After the butter melts, foam begins to appear on top and separates....
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