Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
Breakfast with nutsBreakfast with nuts
29 Nov.
Nuts are a useful start to the day, as they provide the brain with energy throughout the day. In this respect, hazelnuts and walnuts are very suitable.
Macrobiotic CuisineMacrobiotic Cuisine
28 Nov.
Macrobiotic cuisine is not particularly known as a concept. Actually the macrobiotics way of life, is precisely about healthy living. What we emphasize in macrobiotics are whole grains, vegetables, fruits and soy products.
Organic food crazeOrganic food craze
27 Nov.
Is this obsession with organic products not dangerous? Do you not believe that the idea of organic is the benchmark for quality?
Healing properties of jujubeHealing properties of jujube
26 Nov.
Jujube is called Chinese dates, which are known around the world for more than 5000 years. Jujube is widely used in the pharmaceutical, confectionery and perfumery industry.
What is umami?What is umami?
26 Nov.
There is one more taste than the familiar sweet, salty, sour and bitter, which is defined as a combination of them all. This is called the umami taste
What are refined carbs?What are refined carbs?
26 Nov.
Carbohydrates are constantly condemned and described as the biggest enemy of a healthy diet, but is that so? It is good to limit refined carbohydrates significantly.
The most dangerous preservatives in foodThe most dangerous preservatives in food
25 Nov.
Eating healthy is one of the most discussed topics - what to eat, what to remove completely from your diet and why. We will look at what all E's in the food, or at least that part of the preservatives, which you should avoid.
Lemons come with the most antibacterial propertiesLemons come with the most antibacterial properties
25 Nov.
Lemons are rich in nutrients, contain minerals, vitamins A, B, B2, P, C and phytoncides. The rind of lemons is rich in essential oils.
Fish oil is the secret of longevityFish oil is the secret of longevity
25 Nov.
Fish oil is rich in polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps the continuing vitality of cells. Fish oil is used as a cure for heart attacks.
The fruits with the most vitaminsThe fruits with the most vitamins
19 Nov.
Fruits are a major source of vitamins needed by the human body. In this article, I will mark the ones that contain vitamins that play an important role in our healthy body.